Glossário Inglês – Português de Termos Essenciais da Conscienciologia

Abdominal sub-brainSubcérebro abdominal The umbilicochakra (centre of consciential energy located above the navel), when unconsciously selected by the conscin, still at a mediocre stage of evolution, as the basis of their manifestations; a parody of the natural, encephalic brain (coronochakra and frontochakra); an indefensible embarrassment or megaweak point in conscious self-evolution. Variants: abdominal brain, belly brain, abdominal pseudo-brain, abdominal sub-brain.
AbsentraitTrafal Missing trait in the personality of the conscin. The absence of a particular basic strongtrait that would enable the personality to reasonably complete a personal picture of their evolutionary level. Lacuna or crevice of character, absent quality that may lead the conscin to consciential incompleteness. Variant: missing trait.
Admiration-disagreement binomialBinômio admiração-discordância Posture of the evolutionary mature conscin, who already knows how to live in peaceful coexistence with another conscin whom he or she loves and admires, but with whose points of view, opinions, and courses of action, they do not always 100% agree with.
Advanced proexisProéxis avançada Existential program of an evolutionary leader conscin, within the libertarian task specific to the groupkarma that is more universalistic and polykarmic, in which he or she is a minipiece in the multidimensional team’s maxi mechanism. Variants: maxiproexis, advanced existential program.
Agendex (agend + ex)Agendex (agend + ex) Extraphysical agenda or a projector’s written list of prioritary extraphysical consciential targets – beings, places, or ideas – that they gradually try to reach in a chronological order when lucidly projected, thus establishing intelligent schemes for self-development.
Altered state of consciousnessEstado alterado de consciência See xenophrenia.
Alternating intraphysical pre-serenissimusPré-serenão intrafísico alternante Conscin capable of consciously living, at the same time, in the ordinary physical waking state and projected, from time to time, in the extraphysical dimension.
Androchakra (andro + chakra)Androchacra (andro + chacra) Sexochakra of the man.
Androsoma (andro + soma)Androssoma (andro + soma) Male human body or that specific to a man.
Androsomatics (andro + somatics)Androssomatics (andro + somatics) See androsomatology.
Androsomatology (andro + somatology)Androssomatologia (andro + somatologia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the soma, but specificaly the male soma, or androsoma, and its relations with the human consciousness (conscin). It is a scientific sub-field of sexosomatology. Variant: androsomatics.
Androthosene (andro + tho + sen + e)Andropensene (andro + pen + sen + ene) Thosene specific to a primitive male conscin, or macho man.
AnimismAnimismo From Latin, animus, soul. Set of intra and extracorporeal phenomena produced by a conscin, without external interferences, such as, the phenomenon of conscious projection induced through one’s will power.
AnticosmoethicsAnticosmoética Immature practice in which a consciousness consciously or unconsciously violates the universal, correct, and evolutionary principles of multidimensional cosmoethics, acting in an unworthy, antifraternal, marginal, or criminal way with pathological or malicious effects.
Antithosene (anti + tho + sen + e)Antipensene (anti + pen + sen + ene) Antagonistic thosene, common in refutations, omniquestionings, and productive debates.
Artifacts of knowledgeArtefatos do saber Instruments or resources considered helpful to expand consciential attributes such as intellection, association of ideas, discernment, and memory, among others. For example, files, personal library, chairs, notebooks, different colored pens, CD-ROMs, personal communication devices, dictionaries, displays, encyclopedias, desks, shelving, binders, sheets, practical guides, books in general, field books, personal computers, notes, white paper, folders, pen drives, clippings, magazines, software, treatises, photocopies, and other items.
AssistantialAssistencialQuality, condition or characteristic of a consciousness, group of conscious nesses, of an intervention, method, holothosene, place, or institution that helps or assists other consciousnesses, promoting intra and extraphysical assistance. Examples: assistantial bait; assistantial task; assistantial life; assis tantial approach; assistantial mechanism; assistantial work; assistantial team; assistantial proexis.
AssistantiologyAssistenciologiaSpeciality of conscientiology that studies techniques of support and inter consciential aid, aiming at holomaturity, notably applied to a consciousness considered as “entire”, holosomatic, and multimillenary. It is a work of lucid solidarity between consciousnesses on their way to megafraternity.
Assisted consciential projectionProjeção consciente assistida Projection in which the conscin sees themselves being assisted during the experiment, in a direct manner, by a helper, almost always an expert in lucid projectability (LP).
Auric couplingAcoplamento áurico Development of empathy, interfusion, and temporary connection of the energetic auras of the vehicles of manifestation of two or more consciousnesses.
BaratrosphereBaratrosfera Pathological extraphysical dimension of the terrestrial paratroposphere used as the collective domicile of anticosmoethical, sick, parapsychotic, and paracomatose consciexes. Variant: pathological paratropospheric dimension.
BioenergyBioenergia Energetic emanation or subtle force specific to plants, animals, and all living organisms capable of generating transformations, which constitutes the essential element, or raw material structure of the intraphysical dimension, present in nature in a primary form, and in human beings and environments in a modified form, or qualified by consciential thosenity. Variants used outside a conscientiological context: cosmic energy, primary energy, subtle energy, organic energy, prana, shi, among other terms.
BiographologyBiografologia Multidisciplinary speciality of conscientiology that studies self and heterobiographies of consciousnesses, based mainly on the technical principles of cosmoethicology, evolutiology, proexology, and conscientiometrology.
Biothosene (bio + tho + sen + e)Biopensene (bio + pen + sen + e) Specific thosene of the human or intraphysical consciousness (conscin).
Bithanatosis (bi + thanatos + is)Bitanatose (bi + tanatos + e) Deactivation and discarding of the energosoma after physical death, including removal of residual energetic connections of the energosoma in the psychosoma. Variants: second death, second desoma.
Blind guideGuia cego Amoral or inexperienced consciousness that helps other consciousnesses by acting in an anticosmoethical way, following their egoistic interests of the moment, without having any scruples with this attitude.
Bradythosene (brady + tho + sen + e)Bradipensene (bradi + pen + sen + e) Slow flowing thosene, typical of a bradypsychic conscin.
Cardiochakra (cardio + chakra)Cardiochacra (cardio + chacra) The fourth basic chakra; the agent that influences the conscin’s emotions. It vitalizes the heart and lungs. Variant: heartchakra.
ChakraChacra Nucleus or delimiting field of consciential energy whose complete set essentially constitutes the energosoma, or holochakra, the energetic parabody within the soma. The energosoma performs a junction with the psychosoma, acting as a connection point through which CE (consciential energy) flows from one consciential vehicle to another. Ten main chakras can be identified: coronochakra, frontochakra, nuchochakra, laryngochakra, cardiochakra, splenochakra, umbilicochakra, sexochakra, palmochakras and plantochakras. See variants in Figure 1 below. FIGURE 1 - CHAKRAS’ NAMES Conscientiology terms Out of use variants 01. coronochakra crown-chakra 02. frontochakra brow-chakra (or third eye chakra) 03. laryngochakra throat-chakra 04. cardiochakra heart-chakra 05. splenochakra spleen-chakra (above navel) 06. umbilicochakra solar plexus-chakra (stomach area) 07. sexochakra root-chakra, sex-chakra or base-chakra 08. palmochakras palm-chakras or hand-chakras 09. nuchochakra nuchal-chakra 10. plantochakras sole-chakras or foot-chakras Source – Adapted from Psychic Library (2018).
Chirosoma (chiro + soma)Quirossoma (quiro + soma) The soma considered specifically with respect to the application of the hands, or manual labour.
Clarification taskTarefa do esclarecimento See claritask.
Claritask (clari + task)Tares (tar + es) Clarification task. A more advanced personal or group assistance, as it brings about the opportunity for deeper recycling of a conscin’s behaviour. It is more difficult and is generally viewed as unsympathetic in human social environment. It deals with leading-edge relative truths, based on the consciential paradigm.
ClaritaskalTarístico Quality or characteristic of what is referred to as claritask (clarification task). Examples: claritaskal volunteering, claritaskal profile. Variant: claritasical.
ClaritaskologyTaristicologia Speciality of conscientiology dedicated to the specific, systematic, theorical study or research and experience of assistance between consciousnesses, provided through the claritask, or clarification task.
Co-projectorCo-projetor A helper that works together with a conscin in developing lucid, assisted, consciential projections.
Code of a Duo’s Cosmoethics (CDC)Código duplista de cosmoética (CDC) Systematic compilation or set of rules of righteous, orthothosenic, polykarmic self-behaviour of the highest moral level, created and followed by the members of an evolutionary duo.
Code of Group Cosmoethics (CGC)Código Grupal de Cosmoética (CGC) Systematic compilation or set of norms of orthothosenity, righteousness and polykarmic self-behaviour at the highest moral level, created and followed by a group of more lucid consciousnesses in any existential dimension.
Code of Personal Cosmoethics (CPC)Código Pessoal de Cosmoética (CPC) Systematic compilation or set of personal rules of integrity, orthothosenity, and polykarmic self-behaviour of the highest moral standard, created and followed by a more lucid consciousness, in any existential dimension.
CoexistentiologyCoexistenciologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the quality, condition, or state of coexistence of all multidimensional and pluriexistential consciousnesses: consciential principles, conscins and consciexes, helpers and helped, assistants and assisted, in the condition of evolutionary companions, which through a range of their millennial experiences form interconsciential links or affinities constituting the functional basis of the interassistantial maximechanism. Cognopolis Cognópolis From the Latin, cognitio, to know, and the Greek, polis, city of knowledge. A district in the city of Foz do Iguassu, in the state of Parana, Brazil, located around the Center for the Higher Studies of Conscientiology (CEAEC) and dedicated to the self-research of consciousness since 1995. Today (base year: 2017), it already aggregates 24 conscientiocentric institutions (CIs), 75 conscientiocentric companies (CCs), and around 800 long-term residents or intermissivists coming from many different cities, and even from around the world, linked by their preresomatic intermissive courses (ICs) (intermissiology), the principle of disbelief (disbeliefology), the fulfillment of their group existential programs (maxiproexis, proexology), and their evolutionary self-research. Communex (commun + ex) Comunex (comun + ex) Extraphysical community. Field of groupal consciential energies formed by the conglomerate of morphothosenes and holothosenes emitted by groups of consciexes showing affinity and cohesion amongst themselves through mutual, permanent, deep, and complex personal interests.
CommunicologyComunicologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies all natures and types of communicability of the consciousness, inclusive of interconsciential communication between consciential dimensions, considering lucid projectability, and the approaches of the “whole”, multidimensional, holosomatic, holobiographical, and holomnemonic consciousness.
Complexis (comple + exis)Compléxis (comple + exis)Existential completism. Rare condition in which an exceptional pre serenissimus consciousness manages to fulfil reasonably well the attributions received for their life on Earth (proexis), taking advantage of the evolutionary potentialities their soma offers.
ConCon Hypothetical unit of lucidity of a conscin or consciex that measures their level of hyperacuity or conscientiality at any given evolutionary moment.
Confor (con + for)Confor (con + for) Interaction between content (idea, essence) and form (appearance, language) in interconsciential communication processes.
ConsbelConsbel Warmongering intraphysical consciousness.
ConsciensulaConsciênçula Human consciousness in an immature condition, shortly after leaving the evolutionary level of apes or subhuman primates, and who faces the first fruits of rationality and self-discernment pertaining to human adulthood.
ConscienteseConscienciês Non-symbolic telepathic language, native to the consciential dimension of very evolved extraphysical societies.
Consciential amentiaAmência consciencial Condition of the consciousness incapable of thinking with reasonable mental balance; intense mentalsomatic obnubilation.
Consciential basementPorão consciencial Phase of infantile and adolescent manifestation of the conscin, until reaching adulthood, characterized by the more primitive weaktraits of the multivehicular, multiexistential, and multimillennial consciousness.
Consciential bondVínculo consciencial Cosmoethical, self-lucid, voluntary and polykarmic link between a person and a particular institution. The consciential bond goes beyond the employment bond.
Consciential concentrationConcentração consciencial State of direct focus upon a single object without deviation of the consciousness’ senses, attributes, will and intention.
Consciential continuismContinuísmo consciencial Condition of wholeness, without gaps, in the continuity of consciential life, through providential prevision and evolutionary self-relay, or in other words: the incessant linking of the current experience to immediately prior and subsequent experiences, in a cohesive and unified whole, without discontinuity or ruptured consciential experiences.
Consciential ectopiaEctopia consciencial Unsatisfactory execution of the existential program in an eccentric and displaced manner, out of the programed itinerary chosen for one’s own intraphysical life.
Consciential energy (CE)Energia consciencial (EC) Consciousness’ own energies qualified by their thosenity (quality of the thoughts, sentiments, and energies), cosmoethics, and intentionality which can be moved, absorbed, and exteriorized through the application of one’s personal will.
Consciential eraEra consciencial Era in which the average conscin will be sufficiently evolved, through impacts, re-definitions and revolutions created through the experience of lucid projectability (LP), at which point the implantation of self-conscientiality will take place.
Consciential eunuchEunuco de base consciencial Conscin castrated and conscientially manipulated by sectarian tamers of satisfied robots, modern slaves of the unthinking masses.
Consciential familyFamília consciencial Group of alike intraphysical and extraphysical consciousnesses linked by bonds of friendship and common evolutionary goals, without a need for any parental or consanguineous ties.
Consciential gestationGestação consciencial Evolutionary productivity, useful, for the conscin, within the framework of the personal deeds of the proexis.
Consciential hygieneHigiene consciencial State or effect of the consciousness maintaining hygiene of their self-thosenes in the moment. It is the result or subproduct of applying various techniques to themselves to reach an inner or intraconsciential state of holosomatic homeostasis.
Consciential hygienologyHigienologia consciencial Speciality of conscientiology that studies, researches, and applies systematic, theorical techniques from the set of measures adopted to avoid intrusion and the permanence of pathothosenes in the consciential microuniverse while in specific holothosenes, whether personal, group, or institutional. This starts with the elimination of pathological thosenation and the production of ill antithosenes, deep-rooted counterthosenes, or vicious monoideas. Outdated variant for this speciality: consciential hygiene.
Consciential hyperspacesHiperespaços conscienciais Extraphysical consciential dimensions.
Consciential microuniverseMicrouniverso consciencial The consciousness per se, as a whole, the sum total of its attributes, thosenes, and manifestations in the development of its evolution. The microcosmos of the consciousness in relation to the macrocosmos of the universe.
Consciential monoendowmentMonodotação consciencial Employment of only one type of intelligence or talent, being the opposite, negative, consciential condition of the inexperienced conscin or the one still lacking evolution, in relation to intraconsciential triendowment (a condition of greater development in the set of three talents: intellectuality, parapsychism and intraconsciential communicability).
Consciential opennessAbertismo consciencial Advanced condition of the neophilic conscin possessing self-thosenity multilaterally open to knowledge regarding the evolution of consciousness, and able to intentionally apply in life advanced evolutionary techniques proposed by conscientiology, such as: cosmoethicology, invexis, penta, and deperticity.
Consciential paracomatoseParacomatose consciencial Extraphysical comatose state of a projected conscin, who invariably remains unconscious and therefore without recollection of extraphysical events. Variant: consciential paracoma.
Consciential paradigmParadigma consciencial Leading theory of conscientiology based on the consciousness itself and its attributes. Reference system or scientific model which allows for a broader study and understanding of the consciousness based on its bioenergetic, holosomatic, multidimensional, and multiexistential reality.
Consciential powersPoderes conscienciais Strength or faculty of the consciousness’ lucid determination to improve their evolutionary attributes, such as these five: will, intentionality, selforganization, penta and offiex (extraphysical clinic).
Consciential retailingVarejismo consciencial Rudimentary system of individual behaviour characterized by lesser, isolated, consciential actions having a minimum of productive results or important evolutionary effects.
Consciential scaffoldsAndaimes conscienciais Dispensable psychological or physiological crutches. Variant: consciential scaffolding.
Consciential self-bilocationAutobilocação consciencial Act of an intraphysical projector finding and contemplating, face to face, their own human body (soma), while their consciousness is out of the body, occupying another vehicle of consciential manifestation.
Consciential self-organizationAutorganização consciencialCondition of orthothosenic continuity to maintain dynamic and evolutionary balance of the personal microuniverse and consequently greater consci ential productivity. Consciential self-organization is the way through which conscins discipline the system of their own evolution; it is the third conscien tial power, after will, and intentionality.
Consciential self-relayAutorrevezamento consciencial Advanced condition in which the consciousness evolves by securing one intraphysical existence to another, consecutively (bound proexes), like links in a chain (seriexis), within their multiexistential cycle (holobiography). Variant: self-relay.
Consciential triendowmentTridotação consciencial Quality of the combination of 3 talents most useful to a conscientiologist: intellectuality, parapsychism, and communicability. Variants: consciential
Consciential wholesalingAtacadismo consciencial Individual behaviour system characterized by the directive to take consciential acts, as a whole, without leaving any negative evolutionary traces or gaps.
Conscientiocentric institution (CI)Instituição conscienciocêntrica (IC) Institution which centres its objectives on the consciousness itself and its evolution, a consciential cooperative, within the conscientiological socin, having consciential and employment bonds at its basis.
ConscientiocentrismConscienciocentrismo Social philosophy which centers its objectives on consciousness itself and its evolution. See also the term conscientiocentrology.
ConscientiocentrologyConscienciocentrologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies and researches the social philosophy centered on the objectives of the consciousness itself and consciential evolution, through the creation and maintenance of a conscientiocentric institution (CI) in the manner of a consciential cooperative or collegiate, within the conscientiological socin, based on the consciential employment and double bond.
ConscientiocracyConscienciocracia System of power capable of organizing the evolutionary process of multiple consciousnesses, based on their level of conscientiality.
ConscientiogramConscienciograma Technical form for evaluating the evolutionary level of a consciousness; it is the consciential megatest whose model is the Homo sapiens serenissimus, the consciousness responsible for an exemplary positive egokarmic account. The basic instrument used in conscientiometric tests.
Conscientiological tertuliaTertúlia conscienciológica Spontaneous and informal reunion, gathering, or assembly of like-minded researchers, to discuss themes of the moment, perform quick analyses, and reach transient consensuses as regards neoresearch, hypotheses, and theories, in this free, daily, two-hour, long-term course, which has no prerequisites. Tertulias always offer new approaches to as yet unpublished current, theorical, broad ranging, and advanced conscientiology themes of common interest.
Conscientiological verbetographyVerbetografia conscienciológica Technical writing of entries for the Encyclopedia of Conscientiology, whose wording style or confor combines claritaskal, cosmovisiological, verponological, and interassistantial content with a form, model or template for the homogeneous, patterned, and educational composition of texts.
ConscientiologistConscienciólogo(a) Conscin committed to the permanent study of and objective experimentation within the research fields of conscientiology. The conscientiologist acts as an agent of evolutionary renovations (retrocognitive agent), in the libertarian work of consciousnesses in general.
ConscientiologyConscienciologia Science which studies the consciousness in an integral, holosomatic, multidimensional, multimillennial, and multiexistential manner, and, above all, according to reactions to immanent energies, consciential energies, as well as in their multiple states.
Conscientiology classAula de Conscienciologia Lesson or learning exercise on specific conscientiological themes, taught by an instructor, a conscientiologist (conscin or consciex) experienced in the area of knowledge, under technical conditions, in a place or dimension deemed appropriate, and at a determined time. Conscientiology facilitator Facilitador da Conscienciologia Conscin dedicated to presenting, with their own cosmoethical life example (self-exemplariness) the defining principles of the corpus of the science of sciences, without seeking to convince, persuade, entice, or brainwash other people, but opening and paving the way to re-education urbi et orbi (parapedagogiology), by only informing (communicology) in a theorical (theoricology) and verbactional (verbactiology) way, according to their own experience of the evolutionary clarification task (claritask; interassistantiology). Conscientiometrology Conscienciometrologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the conscientiological measurements, or those related to the consciousness, by using the resources and methods capable of establishing a possible basis for the mathematization of the consciousness. Main instrument: the book Conscientiogram. Outdated variant for this speciality: conscientiometry.
ConscientiometryConscienciometria See conscientiometrology.
ConscientiotherapeuticologyConsciencioterapeuticologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the specific, systematic, and theorical studies, researches, and experiences of treatment, relief, and remission of a consciousness’ disturbances, performed by using the resources and techniques stemming from approaching the consciousness with its pathologies, parapathologies, prophylaxis, and paraprophylaxis as a whole. Outdated variant for this speciality: conscientiotherapy.
ConscientiotherapistConsciencioterapeuta Medical or psychologist conscin, penta practitioner, and interassistantiality technician, able to trigger the treatment, relief, or remission of pathologies and parapathologies of consciousnesses, through resources and techniques derived from conscientiology or, more specifically, conscientiotherapy.
ConscientiotherapyConsciencioterapia Set of self and hetero-applied techniques, procedures, and methods from conscientiotherapeuticology for the treatment, relief, and remission of consciential disturbances and disorders, performed by approaching the consciousness with its pathologies, parapathologies, prophylaxis, and paraprophylaxis as a whole.
Consciex (consci + ex)Consciex (consci + ex) Extraphysical consciousness; paracitizen of an extraphysical society (sociex). Plural: consciexes. Outdated variants: spirit, ghost, discarnate.
Conscin (cons + in)Conscin (cons + in) Intraphysical consciousness; the human personality; a citizen of the intraphysical society. Outdated variant: incarnate. Plural: conscins.
Consciousness, theConsciência, a It is you and I, also known as individuality, individual essence, soul, spirit, self, ego, intelligent principle in constant evolution, utilizing specific vehicles to manifest in diverse dimensions, through self-awareness and rationality with which ideas and self-thosenic actions are processed. It is 1 of the 2 basic cosmic components - the other being energy.
Consener (cons + ener)Consener (cons + ener) Energivorous consciousness. A permanently needy consciousness, with an insatiable desire for the consciential energies of human beings (conscins) and subhumans. Variant: energetic vampire.
Consolation taskTarefa da consolação See consoltask.
Consoltask (consol + task)Tacon (ta + con) Consolation task. Primary, personal or group assistance. It is easier and nicer to perform in human social environments, as it generally brings immediate gratification to the practitioner as a result of their efforts. It deals with maximally consoling emotionally and socially needy individuals, who are generally inexperienced with regards to evolution and tropospheric conscins. It predisposes those assisted consciousnesses to the condition of interconsciential dependency, with opportunities for a transference of feelings and consciential manipulation, which is why consoltask is still not an ideal form of assistance.
ConsoltaskalTaconístico Quality or characteristic of the object or person who promotes consoltask or the consolation task. Examples: consoltaskal assistance, consoltaskal profile, consoltaskal approach, consoltaskal duplism, consoltaskal volunteering, consoltaskal patronage, consoltaskal ego, consoltaskal emotion, consoltaskal welcome, consoltaskal text.
ConsoltaskologyTaconologia Set of studies of ancient, still very rudimentary and inadequate, consolatory assistance to the needy, today surpassed by greater cosmoethical clarification in order to free a consciousness from dependence on others, and enter the evolutionary process of consciential interdependence.
ConsreuConsréu Reurbanized consciex. Extraphysical consciousness with pathological paragenetics forcibly displaced – due to the needs of extraphysical reurbanization – from the pathological extraphysical community where they lived for centuries, to another transient extraphysical community, in order to prepare for a resoma on Earth, or even undergo an imposed transmigration to another planet of inferior intraphysical evolution, when compared with ours.
Coronochakra (corono + chakra)Coronochacra (corono + chacra) The chakra in the crown area, related to manifestations of expansion of consciousness, elaboration of thought, and mentalsomatic lucidity. The chakra denoting more advanced manifestation in the energosoma. Variants: crown-chakra; coronal chakra.
CosmoanalyticologyCosmanaliticologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the practical application of the cosmogram or technical worksheet to determine an evaluation of realities of the universe, filtered by the multidimensional principles of conscientiology. Performed through a maximum association of ideas (overview) and facts (phenomenology) that pertain to and involve the holothosene of the self and heterocritical human personality. It is a scientific subfield of communicology. Outdated variant for this speciality: cosmo-analysis.
CosmoanalysisCosmo-análise See cosmoanalyticology.
CosmoconscientiologyCosmoconscienciologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the expansion of consciousness, or the cosmoconsciousness phenomenon, through the mentalsoma. It is a subfield of paraperceptiology.
CosmoconsciousnessCosmoconsciência Condition or internal perception of the consciousness of the cosmos, life, and the order of the universe, in an intellectual and cosmoethical exaltation impossible to describe, when the consciousness feels the life presence of the universe and becomes one with it, in an indivisible unit. Interconsciential communication exists within this singular condition. Variant: cosmic consciousness. Outdated variants: nirvana, samadhi, satori, zen.
Cosmoethical mimicryMimese cosmoética Productive social impulse of imitating a conscin’s evolved ancestors, that are the conscin´s retrolives. Not to be confused with the parapathological, mystical, cult of ancestors.
CosmoethicityCosmoeticidade Cosmoethical quality of the consciousness. Variant: cosmoethicality.
CosmoethicologyCosmoeticologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies ethics or the reflection upon the multidimensional, cosmic moral, which defines holomaturity, situated beyond the intraphysical social moral, or the moral which presents itself with any human label. Outdated variant for this speciality: cosmoethics.
Cosmoethics (cosmo + ethics)Cosmoética (cosmo + ética) Critical reflection based on the pillars of the consciential paradigm, regarding the ethical and cosmic moral principles, norms, and values that orient advanced and multidimensionally assistantial evolutionary behaviour. It goes beyond all human or intraphysical societal moral principles. Cosmoethics is the unit of measure of one´s self-incorruptibility, and is the most intelligently discerning norm for consciousnesses willing to apply it as their normal conduct, and thus dynamize their evolution.
CosmogramCosmograma Technique for studying the realities of the universe (cosmoanalyticology), filtered through the multidimensional principles of conscientiology, by a maximum association of ideas or overview of the facts involved. It consists of completing documented profiling forms, classifying, and filing clippings from a broad selection of sources, mainly periodical publications such as journalistic pieces or articles (geopolitical) and scientific articles or papers (areas of human knowledge) and carefully selected articles from reliable sources on the internet.
Cosmothosene (cosmo + tho + sen + e)Cosmopensene (cosmo + pen + sen + ene) Specific thosene of conscientese or of the state of cosmoconsciousness; unit of measure of the non-symbolic, paratelepathic language used in very evolved communexes; fundamental thosene or materthosene characteristic of the evolutionary profile of a Free Consciex (FC).
CosmovisiologyCosmovisiologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the theorical study of the evolutionary understanding of exhaustive, conscientiological, multidimensional, and holosomatic cosmovision. Outdated variant for this speciality: cosmovision
CosmovisionCosmovisão A condition of the conscin who after having attained some intraphysical or terrestrial achievement is able to see beyond the mundane occurrences or interests of diurnal life, serve as a lookout and observe at a distance and from above the impulses of mediocrity, and lose interest in the myriad of stimuli from trivialities and cultural idiotisms of the zeitgeist.
CotherapistCoterapeuta Helper who works jointly with a conscientiotherapist conscin to develop the technical assistantial procedures of conscientiotherapy and its evolutients (OIC).
Counterthosene (counter + tho + sen + e)Contrapensene (contra + pen + sen + e) Intraconsciential thosene of the conscin; mute mental refutation; the mute thosene; a type of intrathosene.
DaydreamDevaneio Fantastic state created by the imagination of the conscin during the ordinary physical waking state.
Deficitary omissionOmissão deficitária Attitude of absence of positioning with regards to a given theme, fact or situation, where claritaskal intervention could take place, however the consciousness opts for non-assistantial inaction or negligence, reverting to evolutionary deficit.
DeintrusionDesassédio See interconsciential deintrusion.
DeperticityDesperticidade Consciential evolutionary quality of a deperto, - totally and permanently intrusion free individual - completely aware of this quality within the assistantial tasks they perform towards other consciousnesses. Variant: permanintfreeness, intrusionlessness. Outdated variant: petifreeness.
Deperto (de + per + to)Desperto (des + per + to) Intraphysical human being or conscin that is totally and permanently intrusion free, while being fully aware of this quality. Variant: permanintfree. Outdated variants: petifree, intrusionless.
DepertologyDespertologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies deperticity or the evolutionary consciential quality of the deperto human being, whose is no longer subject to pathological interconsciential intrusion, and all the harmful evolutionary consequences of this uncomfortable condition. It is a scientific subfield of conscientiometrology (holomaturology). Variant: permanintfreeology.
Dermatologies of the consciousnessDermatologias da consciência Compound expression attributed to conventional science under the Newtonian-Cartesian mechanistic paradigm, which focus its research solely on the soma, due to a lack of necessary tools for the technical investigation of the consciousness; periconsciential science.
Desoma (de + soma)Dessoma (des + soma) Somatic deactivation, near and inevitable for every conscin; final projection; first death; biological death; monotanathosis. Desoma or more specifically the first desoma is the deactivation of the human body or soma. The second desoma is the deactivation of the energosoma. The third desoma is the deactivation of the psychosoma.
DesomaticsDessomática See desomatology.
DesomatologyDessomatologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and research of the physical context of the desoma (biological death) and the consciential, psychological, social, medical-legal, and multidimensional contexts related to the deactivation of the soma (human body), as well as the second and third desomas and their consequences. It is a scientifc subfield of intraphysicology. Outdated variant for this speciality: desomatics.
Destructive macro-PKMacro-PK destrutiva Harmful PK (psychokinesis), capable of causing injury to the conscin, which could even be fatal to the soma.
Dimener (dim + ener)Dimener (dime + ener) Energetic dimension of the consciousness or the natural dimension of the energosoma. Variant: three and a half dimension.
Dimex (dim + ex)Dimensão extrafísica Extraphysical dimension. Dimension, sphere, or environment of consciential manifestation beyond the intraphysical, material, or human life in the ordinary waking state, in which the conscin manifests when projected in the psychosoma or mentalsoma, or when a consciex, after the desoma. This dimension comprises the energetic dimension (dimener); the intermediary between physical and extraphysical dimensions; the pathological paratropospheric dimension, close to the terrestrial crust; and finally, the more evolved and subtle extraphysical dimension, further away from the planet’s crust. Variant: extraphysicality. Outdated variant: astral plane.
Dimin (dim + in)Dimensão intrafísica Intraphysical dimension. Dense physical dimension in which the soma manifests itself, allowing for the human life (resoma) of consciousnesses, subhuman, and other consciential principles. This dimension allows for a heterogeneous acquaintanceship of consciousnesses of different evolutionary levels, something impossible in extraphysical dimensions. Disbeliefology Descrenciologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the personal, technical, and theorical study, dissection and rational assessment of the quality, condition, or character of authenticity or reality of any matter, fact, parafact, phenomenon or paraphenomenon, discarding all postures or attitudes of credulity. All studies should hence carry the stamp of self-experimentation or specific self experience, meaning, having a base in the principle of disbelief. Discoincidence of the vehicles of manifestation Descoincidência dos veículos de manifestação The act of leaving, in any vehicle of manifestation, the condition of coincidence or the junction of the consciential bodies.
Domicile holothoseneHolopensene domiciliar Physical base; energetically shielded bedroom; extraphysical clinic (offiex). Variant: domiciliary holothosene.
DreamSonho Natural, intermediate consciential state between the ordinary physical waking state and natural sleep, characterized by a set of ideas and images that present themselves to the consciousness. A bad dream, one which experiences the effects of agitation, anguish, and oppression during its development, receives the names nightmare, nocturnal terror, or nightmarish hallucination.
DuologyDuplismologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the specific, systematic, and theorical study of the evolutionary duo technique. This technique has the capacity of uniting the efforts of both evolutionary duo partners in the condition of assistantial minipieces within the multidimensional maximechanism based on cosmoethical interassistance. It aims to catalyze the evolutionary duo’s consciential evolution and their production of proexological megagescons.
EctoplasmEctoplasma From the Greek, ektós, from the outside; plasma, mold, substance. Protoplasmic and omnipresent substance that flows from the human body of the ectoplast psychic, and who through their subconscious manipulation or through consciexes, occur phenomena of a superphysical order, including materialization or ectoplasmy of objects and/or people in partial or complete manifestation. It is supposed that the composition of ectoplasm can vary in accordance with the type of cells of the ectoplast psychic´s body, and thus ectoplasm can come, for instance, from: bones and muscles, or be neurological or dermatological.
EctoplastEctoplasta Parapsychic conscin predisposed to the phenomenon of ectoplasmy, with intense donation of energies and occurrence of a superphysical nature, such as materializations, parasurgeries, and projective raps, among other phenomena. The ectoplast, due to their great energetic potential, can promote the intense exteriorization of therapeutic energies, as well as when their energies are disorganized, be susceptible to en route accidents, called destructive macro PK.
Egokarma (ego + karma)Egocarma (ego + carma) Principle of cause and effect acting on the evolution of a consciousness, when exclusively centred on the ego itself. State of free will tied to childish egocentrism.
EgokarmalityEgocarmalidade A less evolved condition of holokarmology necessary for consciential evolution, in which the consciousness concentrates primarily on their egoic self-manifestations and on the resolution of intimate and pending conflicts with themselves, aiming at the remission of the ego’s pathologies.
EgokarmologyEgocarmologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the relationships or principles of cause and effect acting on the evolution of a consciousness, when exclusively centred on the ego per se. It is a subdiscipline of holokarmology. Variant: egokarmalogy.
Egothosene (ego + tho + sen + e)Egopensene (ego + pen + sen + e) The same as self-thosene; the unit of measurement of consciential selfishness, according to conscientiology, or more appropriately, conscientiometrology.
Energetic couplingAcoplamento energético Interfusion of energosomatic energies between two or more consciousnesses (conscins), or between a consciousness and a place or object.
Energetic dimensionDimensão energética See dimener.
Energetic maxispringtimeMaxiprimavera energética See maxienerspring.
Energetic minispringtimeMiniprimavera energética See minienerspring.
Energetic rubbishBagulho energético Dysfunctional object producing entropy in an environment where it finds itself, such as materials evoking pathological energies, negative memories, anticosmoethical holothosenes, self-intrusion, or even useless objects or those dislocated in the context of an environment. Examples: photos of an accident, guns or imitation guns, stuffed animals, bonsai, trophies and medals in the house of a highly competitive person, pornographic material in the house of a convalescing promiscuous person, alcohol in the house of an ex-addict, letters from a deceased person, clocks that no longer work, guest luggage in the penta room. Variant: energetic knick-knack.
Energetic self-defenceAutodefesa energética Capacity of the consciousness to put themselves in a cosmoethical, protected condition, with regard to negative, intrusive, or pathological energies and thosenizations external to their consciential microuniverse.
Energetic shielded chamberAlcova energeticamente blindada Private intraphysical room, energetically defended and extraphysically “aseptic”, in one’s home, where one, or an evolutionary duo, sleeps, projects, and has their sexual life; an intrusion-proof bedroom.
Energetic shielding of environmentBlindagem energética de ambientes Act or effect of consciously safeguarding the intra and extraphysical environments where a conscin lives, works, sleeps, and interacts, by shielding them with one’s own consciential energy (CE).
Energivorous consciousnessConsciência energívora See consener.
EnergosomaEnergossoma Energetic parabody or the set of structural consciential energies that temporarily connect the psychosoma to the conscin’s soma. This body is deactivated with the second desoma, however it may also remain as a remnant vehicle of the paratropospheric consciex. Variant: holochakra, counter body. Outdated variants: vital body, etheric body.
Energosomatic existenceExistência energossomática Intraphysical or human life of the conscin. Variant: holochakral existence.
Energosomatic intrusionIntrusão energossomática Invasion of a consciousness by another through the CEs (consciential energy) or the energosoma (holochakra). Variant: holochakral intrusion, energetic intrusion.
Energosomatic loosenessSoltura do energossoma Condition of relative freedom of action of the conscin’s energetic parabody, with respect to the psychosoma and the soma. Variant: holochakral looseness.
Energosomatic seductionSedução energossomática Energetic action of a consciousness, with a more or less conscious intention, to dominate another, or others. Variant: holochakral seduction.
EnergosomaticityEnergossomaticidade Degree of quality of personal, singular or individual consciential energy irradiation – determining the degree in quality on the relations of an intraphysical consciousness with other intra and extraphysical consciousnesses. Variant: holochakrality.
EnergosomatologyEnergossomatologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the quality of the human consciousness’ (conscin) manifestations derived from its energosoma, or energetic parabody. It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: holochakrology.
Enerspring (ener + spring)Primener (prim + ener) Energetic springtime; relatively long lasting personal condition; peak level of healthy and constructive consciential energies (CEs).
Enerspring by 2Primener a dois Energetic springtime of the evolutionary duo, in which the partners truly love each other and fully dominate the application of their healthy consciential energies (CEs), with full lucidity, constructing their proexes through consciential gestations.
Enumerative cycle techniqueTécnica do ciclo enumerativo Technique for the collection and formulation of progressive enumerations to compose a particular line, network, or specific chain of thosenization, theorically expanding and developing an idea, action, fact, reality, parareality, endeavour, or objective, within the field of cosmovisiology of the researcher consciousness (self-researchology). Examples: enumerology section of the Encyclopaedia of Conscientiology; enumerogram; mathematization of knowledge; lists of expressions; enumeration hierarchy; mental faculty of enumerating; enumerative columns; definitions with enumerations; listing of terms relevant to the same topic; a big list; grouping of similar ideas. Variant: enumeration technique.
EnumerologyEnumerologia Science applied to the specific, systematic, theorical studies, research, and experiments with enumeration, methodical relations or lists of ideas, employing the didactic technique of processing texts, through factual or variable language based on informative self-criticism.
Epicon (epi + con)Epicon (epi + con) Consciential epicenter. Key conscin for the operation of epicentrism, who becomes a fulcrum of lucidity, assistantiality, and interdimensional constructiveness, through the offiex (extraphysical clinic). It has a direct relation with penta (personal energetic task).
Euphorex (euphor + ex)Euforex (eufor + ex) Condition of extraphysical euphoria, after somatic deactivation, generated through the reasonable completion of the existential program. Euphorex can affect the lucidly projected conscin. Variants: post-mortem euphoria; para euphoria; post-desomatic euphoria.
Euphorin (euphor + in)Euforin (eufor + in) Condition of intraphysical euphoria, prior to somatic deactivation, generated through the reasonable completion of the proexis. Ideal condition predisposing a positive morexis (existential moratorium). Variant: pre-mortem euphoria.
Everlearner (ever + learner)Semperaprendente (semper + aprendente) Quality, condition or characteristic of the neophilic self-taught consciousness as regards to the acquisition of evolutionary neo-knowledge, in a process of permanent learning and development. Such a consciousness is theorical in consciential recycling, invests in clarifying interassistantial practices and in the prioritization of claritaskal productivity, during successive intraphysical lives and intermissive periods along its evolutionary path.
EvolutientEvoluciente Proactive assisted consciousness seeking self-development and intraconsciential recycling, through a progressive and continuous process of intimate transformation, envisaging the expansion of their evolutionary level in an active way by overcoming personal parapathologies, and thus developing their potentials and consequently improving their consciential health.
EvolutiologistEvoluciólogo Consciousness coadjutor of the intelligent coordination of the proexis, consciential evolution of an individual or an entire group of consciousnesses, in the same megagroupkarma. The evolutionary condition between the deperto (intrusion free) individual and the serenissimus (Homo sapiens serenissimus). Variant: Evolutionary orientor; evolutionary orienter.
EvolutiologyEvoluciologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of evolution of consciousness approached in a high-level, integral, holosomatic, multiexistential, and multidimensional manner. Subject matter specific to an evolutionary orientor or evolutiologist. It is a scientific subfield of thosenology.
Evolutionary duoDupla evolutiva Two consciousnesses who interact positively in joint evolution; existential condition of evolutionary cooperation by two.
Evolutionary intelligenceInteligência evolutiva Capacity to apprehend, learn, or understand, and adapt to human life, based on the application and theorical self-aware expansion of one’s already assimilated, personal, consciential, evolutionary mechanism. It includes the use of cosmoethicology, seriexology, and proexology, defining the consciousness’ self-awareness regarding their rational evolution; lucid self evolution propelled by one’s own cosmoethical self-thosenic performance.
Evolutionary orientorOrientador evolutivo See evolutiologist.
Evolutionary scale of the consciousnessEscala evolutiva da consciênciaScale or parameter of evolutionary consciential profiles enabling self assessment, the identification of one’s personal level in comparison with the serenissimi, and a plan of personal recycling for self-evolution. This scale encompasses the following evolutionary levels: FIGURE 2 - EVOLUTIONARY SCALE Consciousness % 01. Transmigrated consreu 10% of the serenissimus 02. Resomated consreu 20% of the serenissimus 25% of the serenissimus 03. Common pre-serenissimus 04. Unaware consciential bait 25% of the serenissimus 05. Penta practioner 25% of the serenissimus 06. Conscious projector 30% of the serenissimus 07. Lucid epicon 35% of the serenissimus 08. Conscientiologist 40% of the serenissimus 09. Deperto 50% of the serenissimus 10. Semiconsciex 60% of the serenissimus 11. Self-critical teleguided 65% of the serenissimus 12. Evolutiologist 75% of the serenissimus 13. Serenissimus 100% of our evolutionary model 14. Free consciex (FC) Evolutionary
Evolutionary self-sufficiencyAutossuficiência evolutiva Theorical (theoretical and practical) confidence experienced by the conscin when they attain a set of specific knowledge and qualities for their evolution, having a more advanced level of self-discernment and polykarmic evolutionary intelligence (EI), deriving from a condition of deperticity. Existential completism Completismo existencial See complexis. Existential completist Completista existencial Conscin who has fulfilled their either mini or maxi proexis, along the correct path, and according to the guideline, area, and level attributed to them. Variant: completist.
Existential incompletismIncompletismo existêncial See incomplexis.
Existential incompletistIncompletista existencial A consciousness in the condition of incomplexis, that is, having lost or missed out on the opportunity to satisfactorily complete their existential program (proexis). Variant: incompletist.
Existential inversionInversão existencial See invexis.
Existential inverterInversor existencial Conscin who practices the existential inversion technique (invexis) in which early personal evolutionary conquests predominate, oriented by a proexological maxiplanning convergent with their innate talents. The lucid existential inverter renounces certain social conventions, such as weddings, and seeks a monogamous affective-sexual relationship, instead of devoting their time to raising children (personal offspring) they aim to be more willing to perform tasks (teaching, research, publishing, voluntary services) that benefit the community, in a qualified manner. In this way, the assistance provided by the inverter is given using a wholesale approach, benefitting large numbers of people rather than one person or a small group. Variant: inverter.
Existential invertologyInvertologia existencial See invexology.
Existential maximoratoriumMaximoratória existencial See maximorexis.
Existential maxiprogramProgramação existencial máxima See maxiproexis.
Existential programProgramação existencial See proexis.
Existential recyclabilityReciclabilidade existencial The quality of the intraphysical execution of one´s existential recycling.
Existential recyclerReciclante existencial Conscin who disposes themselves to the execution of recexis. Variant: recycler.
Existential self-mimicryAutomimese existencial Imitation by a conscin, of life occurrences or past experiences, from present life or previous existences.
Existential seriationSeriação existencial See seriexis.
ExperimentologyExperimentologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies all forms and categories of evolutionary experiments of the consciousness. It is a scientific subfield of evolutiology.
ExtracorporealExtracorpóreo Related to that outside of the physical body. Examples: extracorporeal experience, extracorporeal volitation (flight), extracorporeal phenomena.
ExtraphysicalExtrafísico Related to that which is outside, or beyond the intraphysical or human state; a consciential state less physical than the body.
Extraphysical agendaAgenda extrafísica See agendex.
Extraphysical approachAbordagem extrafísica Contact of one consciousness with another in the extraphysical dimension.
Extraphysical catatoniaCatatonia extrafísica Fixed condition of the projected conscin maintaining stereotyped, repeated, and generally useless extraphysical acts, with regards to its own evolution.
Extraphysical Centre of Energy (ECE)Central Extrafísica da Energia (CEE) Specialized para-institution, planned and established to stock and monitor consciential energy (CE), like an extraphysical consciential powerstation, aiming at supplying and distributing therapeutic homeostatic energies, to effectively assist other consciousnesses – consciexes and conscins – under the direct supervision of the Invisible College of Serenissimi. Variants: Extraphysical Centre of Energy; Centre of Extraphysical Energy (CEE).
Extraphysical Centre of Fraternity (ECF)Central Extrafísica da Fraternidade (CEF) Para-institution or specialized communex, planned and established to irradiate manifestations or cosmo-thosenations of fraternity pervading the cosmos in a therapeutic and homeostatic manner, providing silent, anonymous, and effective assistance to all consciousnesses. Variants: Extraphysical Centre of Fraternity; Centre of Extraphysical Fraternity (CEF).
Extraphysical Centre of Veracity (ECV)Central Extrafísica da Verdade (CEV) Para-institution or specialized communex, planned and established to irradiate manifestations or paraconstructs of the basic therapeutic and homeostatic truths of the cosmos, for the effective assistance to all consciousnesses. Variants: Extraphysical Centre of Verity; Extraphysical Centre of Truth; Centre of Extraphysical Veracity (CEV).
Extraphysical clinicOficina extrafísica Extraphysical clinic of an intraphysical epicon. Examples: the extraphysical resources and installations of an offiex; a domiciliary holothosene that helps in the implantation of the clinic. Variant: extraphysical office, offiex.
Extraphysical communityComunidade extrafísica See communex.
Extraphysical consciousnessConsciência extrafísica See consciex.
Extraphysical euphoriaEuforia extrafísica See euphorex.
Extraphysical gang raidArrastex Action of a group of energivorous consciexes, including extraphysical blind guides, in paratropospheric dimensions, with the intent of vampirising conscins. Usually coinciding with celebrations or intraphysical events that gather people prone to collective, intrusive victimization through consciential energies. Variant: extraphysical raid.
Extraphysical helperAmparador extrafísico Consciex who aids and assists a conscin or various conscins; extraphysical benefactor. Variant: assistex. Outdated variants: guardian angel; angel of light; spiritual guide; mentor.
Extraphysical hometownParaprocedência See paraprovenance.
Extraphysical melancholyMelancolia extrafísica See melex.
Extraphysical monitoringMonitoria extrafísica Condition of assistance performed by healthy consciexes in favour of a balanced conscin, when the conscin is performing balanced consolation or the clarification task.
Extraphysical precognitionPrecognição extrafísica From Latin, pre, before; cognocescere, to know. Perceptive faculty through which the consciousness, completely projected out of the human body, becomes aware of indeterminate facts, including distant objects, scenes, and forms, regarding the immediate or remote future.
Extraphysical reurbanizationReurbanização extrafísica See reurbex.
Extraphysical romanceRomance extrafísico Set of acts through which a conscin maintains a positive and healthy romance, while out of the body.
Extraphysical societySociedade extrafísica See sociex.
ExtraphysicologyExtrafisicologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of relationships and experiences of the intraphysical consciousness (conscin) in other dimensions beyond intraphysicality. It is a scientific subfield of holoresomatology.
Foreigner syndromeSíndrome do Estrangeiro Morbid state of alienation characterized by a clinical condition in which a conscin’s psychosomatic imbalance predominates, being deeply set in the convergence of signs and/or symptoms of nostalgia related to the recently experienced intermissive extraphysical period. This causes an existential conflict of personal maladjustment to intraphysical life. Variant: Intermissive course withdrawal syndrome.
Free consciex (FC)Consciex Livre (CL) From Latin, con + scientia, with knowledge. Consciex which has definitively freed itself from its psychosoma or emotional parabody, and from the strings of serial existences. It comes after the Homo sapiens serenissimus in the evolutionary hierarchy. Variants: free extraphysical consciousness, free consciousness.
Free consciousnessConsciência livre See free consciex.
FrontochakraFrontochacra Encephalic chakra located on the forehead, between the eyes; when activated promotes clairvoyance. Variant: frontal chakra. Outdated variants: third eye, third vision.
Function-specific helperAmparador específico de função Consciex technically specialized in specific tasks performed together with the assisted conscin. For example, in the practices of the personal energy task (penta) or the extraphysical clinic.
Geoenergy (geo + energy)Geoenergia (geo + energia) Immanent energy (IE) from the ground and earth absorbed by the conscin through the pre-kundalini. Outdated variant: telluric energy.
Golden cordCordão de ouro Supposed energetic element - similar to a remote control - which maintains the mentalsoma connected to the parabrain of the psychosoma.
Graphothosene (grapho + tho + sen + e)Grafopensene (grafo + pen + sen + e) The thosenic signature of the conscin. Writing is a common mode of expressing graphothosenes, but it is not the only one.
Grecex (g + rec + ex)Grecex (g + rec + ex) Group of existential recyclers; intraphysical meeting and group conviviality in order to experience planned existential recycling. Plural: grecexes. Variant: group of existential recyclers.
Grinvex (gr + inve + ex)Grinvex (gr + inve + ex) Group of existential invertors; intraphysical meeting and group conviviality, in order to experience planned existential inversion. Plural: grinvexes. Variant: group of existential inverters.
Group of existential invertersGrupo de inversores existenciais See grinvex.
Group of existential recyclersGrupo de reciclantes existenciais See grecex.
GroupalityGrupalidade Quality of an evolutionary group of consciousnesses; condition of group evolution.
Groupkarma (group + karma)Grupocarma (grupo + carma) Principle of cause and effect acting on the evolution of the consciousness, when centred on the evolutionary group. State of individual freewill when linked to the evolutionary group.
GroupkarmalityGrupocarmalidade Quality of relationships operating on the proevolutionary efforts of conscins and consciexes when focused on the evolutionary group.
Groupkarmic courseCurso grupocármico Set of stages of the consciousness within the consciential evolutionary group.
Groupkarmic interprisonInterprisão grupocármica Coercive interconsciential commitment resulting from joint or group anticosmoethical actions; the condition of groupkarmic inseparability of the evolutionary consciential principle or consciousness.
GroupkarmologyGrupocarmologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the relationships or principles of cause and effect active in the evolution of the consciousness when centred on the evolutionary group. It is a scientific subfield of holokarmology. Outdated variant: groupkarmalogy.
Groupthosene (group + tho + sen + e)Grupopensene (grupo + pen + sen + e) Sectarian, corporativist, and antipolykarmic thosene; a groupthosene can also be constructive.
Gynochakra (gyno + chakra)Ginochacra (gino + chacra) Sexochakra of the woman.
Gynosoma (gyno + soma)Ginossoma (gino + soma) Feminine human body or body specific to a woman, specialized in the animal reproduction of the intraphysical life of a conscin; the aphrodisiac body. Outdated variant for this speciality: gynosomatics
GynosomaticsGinossomática See gynosomatology.
GynosomatologyGinossomatologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the soma, specifically the soma of the female gender or gynosoma, and its relationship with the human consciousness (conscin). It is a scientific subfield of sexosomatology.
Gynothosene (gyno + tho + sen + e)Ginopensene (gino + pen + sen + e) Thosene specific to feminine language and communicability.
HallucinationAlucinação From the Latin, hallucinari, making errors. Apparent perception of an external object not present at that moment; mental error in the perception of the senses without a foundation in any objective reality.
HelperAmparador See extraphysical helper.
Heterothosene (hetero + tho + sen + e)Heteropensene (hetero + pen + sen + e) The thosene of others in relation to the researcher.
Holobiography (holo + biography)Holobiografia (holo + biografia) Set of personal archives of the multidimensional evolution of a consciousness across its seriexises.
Holochakra (holo + chakra)Holochacra (holo + chacra) See energosoma.
Holochakral existenceExistência holochacral See energosomatic existence.
Holochakral intrusionIntrusão holochacral See energosomatic intrusion.
Holochakral seductionSedução holochacral See energosomatic seduction.
HolochakralityHolochacralidade See energosomaticity.
Holochakralogy (holo + chakra + logy)Holochacralogia (holo + chacra + logia) See energosomatology.
Holokarma (holo + karma)Holocarma (holo + carma) Union of the three types of consciential actions and reactions: egokarma, groupkarma, and polykarma, within the principles of cause and effect acting on the evolution of the consciousness.
Holokarmology (holo + karma+ logy)Holocarmologia (holo + carma + logia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the holokarmic account of the consciousness in evolution encompassing egokarmality, groupkarmality, and polykarmality. It is a scientific subfield of evolutiology. Outdated variant: holokarmalogy.
Holomaturity (holo + maturity)Holomaturidade (holo + maturidade) Condition of integrated maturity of the conscin - biological, psychological, holosomatic, and multidimensional.
Holomaturology (holo + maturo + logy)Holomaturologia (holo + maturo + logia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the holomaturity of the human consciousness, or its integral, biological, psychological, mentalsomatic, and multidimensional maturity, or holosomatic maturity, in all its forms of manifestation and evolutionary consequences. It is a scientific subfield of evolutiology.
Holomemory (holo + memory)Holomemória (holo + memória) Causal, composed, multimillennial, multiexistential, implacable, uninterrupted, personal memory, which retains all facts relative to the consciousness. Variants: multimemory; polymemory.
Holomnemonicology (holo + mnemonico + logy)Holomnemonicologia (holo + mnemônico + logia) Speciality of conscientiology dedicated to the study of memory in an integral, holosomatic, multidimensional, and multiexistential, multimillenary and holosomatic manner, considering from somatic and cerebral memory to holomemory. Variants: holomnemosomatology, mnemosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: mnemosomatics.
HolomnemonicsHolomnemônica Set of mnemonic tools that can be self and hetero applied to expand mnemonic register, as well as understanding, refining, and developing an individual, group, time, or institution’s holomemory.
Holophilosophy (holo + philosophy)Holofilosofia (holo + filosofia) Study applied to the body of knowledge or of all formal, fundamental and multidimensional principles of conscientiology on the understanding of evolutionary cosmic realities, comprehending the cosmoethical, universalistic and theorical bases, all systems and philosophies, of all kinds existing on earth.
Holoresomatics (holo + re + somatics)Holorressomática (holo + re + somática) See holoresomatology.
Holoresomatology (holo + re + somatology)Holorressomatologia (holo + re + somatologia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies existential seriality and evolutionary multiexistential cycles or successive intraphysical resomas of a human consciousness, along with their implications and repercussions; including its relation to interplanetary transmigration. It is a scientific subfield of experimentology. Outdated variant for this speciality: holoresomatics.
Holorgasm (holo + orgasm)Holorgasmo (holo + orgasmo) Holosomatic orgasm; maximum level of ecstasy generated by the energies of the entire holosoma.
Holosoma (holo + soma)Holossoma (holo + soma) Set of vehicles of manifestation of the conscin: soma, energosoma, psychosoma, and mentalsoma; and of the consciex: psychosoma and mentalsoma.
Holosomatic coincidenceCoincidência holossomática Condition of harmonious coexistence, interpenetration, juxtaposition, alignment, interdependence, and interrelation between the ego, or consciousness, mentalsoma, psychosoma, energosoma, and soma (human body). Also included within this complex structure is the golden cord, or the link between the mentalsoma and psychosoma, and its link with the human body, that is, the silver cord.
Holosomatic homeostasisHomeostase holossomática Healthy integrated state of harmony of the holosoma. Holosomatic interfusion Interfusão holossomática State of maximum symas (sympathetic assimilation of energies) between 2 consciousnesses. Holosomatic intrusion Intrusão holossomática Invasion of a consciousness by another through the entire holosoma.
Holosomatics (holo + somatics)Holossomática (holo + somática) See holosomatology.
Holosomatology (holo + somato + logy)Holossomatologia (holo + somato + logia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the holosoma or the set of vehicles of manifestation of an intra or extraphysical consciousness, its functions, and applications. It is a scientific subfield of thosenology. Outdated variant for this speciality: holosomatics.
HolosphereHolosfera Personal energosphere, self-psychosphere, or aura. From the Latin: aura, breath of air. Field of unknown nature, with some magnetic characteristics, having a luminous appearance to sensitives, projected consciexes and conscins, whose colours, on certain occasions, are probably linked to the energy field and the activities and thoughts of the realities involved, for example, living beings, men, women, children, fetuses, animals, plants, minerals, physical objects, and even consciexes (self-luminosity). Variant: psychosphere.
Holotheca (holo + theca)Holoteca (holo + teca) Technical and pedagogic union of the most significant and specialized collections of knowledge artifacts of mankind, with cosmoethical and universal coverage, in a permanent taxologic recycling of mentalsomatic garbage from the multicultural, multidimensional, multitemporal, multiexistential, holothosenic, holosomatic, holomnemonic, holobiographic, and holokarmic complex, in order to expand the leading-edge relative truths of conscientiology.
HolothecologyHolotecologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the research of collections or thecas in the Holotheca, the later being the megashowcase of universal knowledge - the library of libraries.
Holothosene (holo + tho +sen + e)Holopensene (holo + pen + sen + e) Set of aggregated or consolidated thosenes generating the extraphysical atmosphere of ideas, emotions, and energies of each consciousness, conscin, consciex, consreu, or group of consciousnesses.
Homeostatic themeTema homeostático Predominantly healthy subject approached technically in any analysis, research or investigation, in order to be better understood and explicit in the development of evolutionary bioethical clarification tasks (claritask).
HomeostaticologyHomeostaticologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the theorice of holosomatic homeostasis or the integrated, healthy, harmonic state of the holosoma, so that the conscin can live better and with greater efficiency in the execution of their proexis. It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: homeostatics.
HomeostaticsHomeostática See homeostaticology.
Homo sapiens serenissimusHomo sapiens serenissimus Consciousness experiencing the full extent of the integral condition of lucid serenism. Synonym of the term: Serenissimus.
Homothosene (homo + tho + sen + e)Homopensene (homo + pen + sen + e) The thosene of telepathic emission and reception; the unit of measurement of telepathy, according to conscientiometrology. Variant: telethosene.
HyperacuityHiperacuidade Quality of maximum lucidity of the conscin attained through the recuperation of cons.
Hyperthosene (hyper + tho + sen + e)Hiperpensene (hiper + pen + sen + e) The heuristic thosene; the original idea of the discovery; the neophilic thosene; the unit of measurement of the invention, according to conscientiometrology.
HypnagogyHipnagogia From Greek, hipnos, sleep; and agogós, conductor. Transitional condition of the consciousness between the ordinary physical waking state and the state of natural sleep. It is an altered state of consciousness.
HypnopompyHipnopompia From Greek, hipnos, sleep; and pompikós, procession. Transitional condition between natural sleep and the physical waking state; the semi-asleep state which precedes the act of waking up, characterized by oneiric images, with auditory effects and hallucinatory visions which last until awakening. It is an altered state of consciousness.
Hypothosene (hypo + tho + sen + e)Hipopensene (hipo + pen + sen + e) The same as the protothosene or the phytothosene.
Immanent energy (IE)Energia imanente (EI) Primary, vibrational, essential, multiform, and impersonal energy diffused and dispersed throughout all the objects or realities of the universe, in an omnipotent manner. It remains untamed by the human consciousness, and is too subtle to be discovered and detected by technological instruments.
Impactotherapy (impact + therapy)Impactoterapia (impacto + terapia) Evolved therapeutic process employing cosmoethical leading-edge relative truths as medicine or a surgical technique to provoke a rational consciential mentalsomatic shock, of hetero-discernment in misoneistic, neophobic, haltered readers that compose the masses, constituted by sufferers of chronic robexis, generally led by anticosmoethical, autocratic, fanatic, dogmatic consciousnesses, defenders of absolute, ultra-orthodox, and fundamentalist truths, believing themselves to be the owners of the truth, or above all good and evil.
Incomplete coupleCasal incompleto A pair composed by a man and a woman who do not actually compose an intimate couple or perform the complete sexual act, but nonetheless maintain strong affective ties.
Incomplexis (in + compl + exis)Incompléxis (in + comple + exis) Existential condition of a conscin with an incomplete existential program.
Innate retrocognitive agentAgente retrocognitivo inato The young former student of a recent preresomatic intermissive course, putting the existential inversion technique (invexis) into practice and applying all the learnings from daily intraphysical life, and simultaneously being able to trigger, through their presential strength and personal holothosene, memories of intermissive studies in other conscins from the same evolutionary group.
Integrated maturityMaturidade integrada See holomaturity.
IntentionIntenção Intraconsciential attribute responsible for the thosenic charge leading to the achievement of real goals by each consciousness, creating idiosyncratic significance for all other attributes or manifestations.
IntentionalityIntentionalidade Quality of the guiding intention of consciential manifestation. The more lucid, self-aware and cosmoethical the intention, the better the consciousness’ intentionality.
Inter vivos apparitionAparição intervivos Apparition of the consciousness of a projected human projector to other conscins.
InterassistantialityInterassistencialidade Living interconsciential, mutual assistance, based on reeducation by means of the clarification task (claritask), evolutionary intelligence (EI), cosmoethics, polykarmality, and the cosmic principle that “the less sick assists those who are sicker”.
InterassistantiologyInterassistenciologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and research of techniques related to interconsciential assistance, protection, help, and support, especially those that consider the “whole” holosomatic and multimillennial consciousness, aiming for holomaturity or the work of lucid solidarity among consciousnesses along the open path to megafraternity.
Interconsciential climateClima interconsciencial Condition of multi-understanding during an interconsciential encounter, established through an affinity of thosenes, particularly when loaded with CEs or consciential energies. There are atmospheres, mini atmospheres and extremely large interconsciential atmospheres.
Interconsciential deintrusionDesassédio interconsciencial Act of a consciousness removing the intrusion affecting another consciousness. This can occur intentionally or unintentionally. Variant: heterodeintrusion.
Interconsciential intruderAssediador interconsciencial Consciouness exerting negative actions or the direct or indirect insistent persecution of another, by either disturbing, provoking or influencing them malevolently through waves of unhealthy thosenes (consciential ideas, emotions, and energies). Such a consciousness is generally cosmoethically mutilated or conscientially impaired.
Interconsciential intrusionAssédio interconsciencial Set of acts and signals in the intimacy and around two or more consciousnesses, with the aim to control or subjugate another by emitting, sometimes even in an unconscious way, their vampirizing energies. Variant: consciential intrusion.
InterdimensionalityInterdimensionalidade Interaction, interrelation, or interconsciential communication between the intraphysical and extraphysical dimensions.
IntermissibilityIntermissibilidade Quality of the intermissive period of a consciousness.
Intermissiology (inter + missio + logy)Intermissiologia (inter + missio + logia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the period of intermission of the consciousness in evolution, situated between two lifetimes, within its multiexistential evolutionary cycle. It is a scientific subfield of extraphysicology.
Intermission (inter + mission)Intermissão (inter + missão) Extraphysical period of the consciousness between 2 of their personal human lives.
Intermissive courseCurso Intermissivo Set of disciplines and theorical experiences administered to the consciex, after a certain evolutionary level, during the period of consciential intermission, within the cycle of personal existences. The objective of the intermissive course is consciential completism in the next human life.
Intermissive harvestColheita intermissiva A practically compulsory, assistantial, interconsciential intermissive harvest offering through rapport, inspirations, interassistantial intuitions, suggestions, evolutionary neoideas or neoconstucts of concepts or reports from cosmoethical, evolutionary masterpieces, written in a previous intraphysical life by the author conscin, now, existing in the intermissive phase as a lucid, function specific helper consciex, to readers from future generations, the evokers, from the topics of the book or books.
International Cosmoethical Conscientiological Community (ICCC)Comunidade Conscienciológica Cosmoética Internacional (CCCI) Group of inhabitants, meeting or grouping, and intraphysical life in common, of the conscins’ society connected by conscientiology consciential bonds, in daily life, in this human, material or terrestrial dimension. Interplanetary transmigration Transmigração interplanetária Act or effect of being transmigrated, of being compulsorily exiled or banished from this planet to another. In this case, it refers to the extraphysical consciousness or transmigrated consreu.
Intraconsciential compensationCompensação intraconsciencial Conscientiometric technique based on the use of one’s maximum consciential attribute or most developed trait (strongtrait) to overcome the less developed consciential attributes (weaktraits) in one’s consciential microuniverse.
Intraconsciential recyclingReciclagem intraconsciencial See recin. Intraconscientiality Intraconsciencialidade Quality of the specific intimate manifestations of the consciousness; the central megafocus of self-conscientiality. Intraphysical assistant Auxiliar em terra The intraphysical guardian of the projector’s inactive human body, emptied of the consciousness during lucid projection.
Intraphysical consciousnessConsciência intrafísica See conscin.
Intraphysical euphoriaEuforia intrafísica See euphorin.
Intraphysical melancholyMelancolia intrafísica See melin.
Intraphysical restrictionRestringimento intrafísico The imposed funelling of personal attributes of the consciousness reborn on Earth.
Intraphysical reurbanizationReurbanização intrafísica See reurbin.
Intraphysical societySociedade intrafísica See socin.
IntraphysicalityIntrafisicalidade Condition of the intraphysical human life, or the conscin’s existence.
Intraphysicology (intra + physico + logy)Intrafisicologia (intra + físico + logia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the relations and experiences of the conscin in this intraphysical or human dimension. It is a scientific subfield of holoresomatology.
Intrathosene (intra + tho + sen + e)Intrapensene (intra + pen + sen + e) Intraconsciential thosene of the conscin.
IntruderAssediador See interconsciential intruder.
Intrusive stigmaEstigma assediador An always dramatic, generally pathological, failure or evolutionary defeat, usually stemming from consciential self-obsession that generates melin or melex. It often results in parapsychic accidents for oneself or those most close or loved consciousnesses.
IntrusivenessAssedialidade Condition or level of unhealthy interconsciential thosenic intrusion. Outdated variant: obsession.
InvexibilityInvexibilidade Quality of the execution of existential inversion. Variant: existential invertibility.
Invexis (inv + exis)Invéxis (inv + exis) Technique of existential inversion executed by a conscin that aims to rationally anticipate the evolutionary manifestations, usually done in the final period of intraphysical life, to the initial period of adolescence or youth. (Vieira, Waldo; Proexis Manual, 2005, p. 44).
InvexologyInvexologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the philosophy, technique, and practice of existential (human) inversion. It is a scientific subfield of intraphysicology.
Invisible Colleges of ConscientiologyColégios Invisíveis da Conscienciologia Group of researchers working in any line of conscientiological knowledge or speciality, seeking to produce leading-edge expertise. This is a multidimensional, informal, scientific community, with a consciential bond to the idea being researched and implemented in practice through efficient and effective communication, by means of regular meetings between its members.
Joint lucid projection (JLP)Projeção consciente conjunta (PCC) An experience outside of the human body in which two or more lucidly projected conscins simultaneously participate.
LaryngochakraLaringochacra Chakra located in the region of the throat, responsible for human speech, voice timbre, intonation, and interconsciential communication in general. Outdated variants: throat chakra, laryngal chakra.
Locked existenceExistência trancada Human existence without neither the production nor occurrence of lucid projections (LPs); tropospheric human life with only vegetative, unconscious projections, characteristic of the evolutionary paracomatose state; locked serial existence.
Looseness of the holochakraSoltura do holochacra See energosomatic looseness.
Lucid projectability (LPB)Projetabilidade lúcida (PL) Lucid, projective, paraphysiological quality of the consciousness, capable of discoincidence or taking the vehicles of manifestation out of the condition of alignment, including through the impulsion of the will power.
Lucid projection (LP)Projeção consciente (PC) Projection of the conscin out of the body. Variants: conscious projection, out-of-body experience; extracorporeal experience. Outdated variant: astral projection.
Lucidity-recollection binomialBinômio lucidez-rememoração Set of 2 indispensable conditions for the conscin to obtain a completely satisfactory lucid projection out of the body. Variant: lucidity-recall binomial.
MacrocosmosMacrocosmos The concept of the whole Cosmos, encompassing the huge multidimensional core and the thin material surface of the physical universe.
Macrosoma (macro + soma)Macrossoma (macro + soma) Extraordinary or super-customized soma through the paragenetics, psychosomatics, and holomnemonics, for the execution of a specific proexis. The identification of the existence of a macrosoma is done through studying the genetics, paragenetics, physiology, anatomy, and personal predispositions related to the human body of the conscin.
Macrosomatics (macro + somatics)Macrossomática (macro + somática) See macrosomatology.
Macrosomatology (macro + somatology)Macrossomatologia (macro + somatologia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the macrosoma, an extraordinary soma suited to the execution of a specific proexis. It is a scientific subfield of somatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: macrosomatics.
Materthosene (mater + tho + sen + e)Materpensene (mater + pen + sen + e) The mother-idea or matrix for the complete development of a thesis, theory, or analysis; the leitmotif; the major pillar or – more relevant – the predominant thosene in a holothosene, be it personal (individual microuniverse), of a group (domestic), or institutional.
Maxienerspring (maxi + ener + spring)Maxiprimener (maxi + prim + ener) Condition of a prolonged or maximum energetic springtime. Variant: maxi energetic springtime.
Maxifraternity (maxi + fraternity)Maxifraternidade (maxi + fraternidade) Most evolved universalistic interconsciential condition, founded on the pure fraternity of self-unforgiving and heteroforgiving consciousness, an inevitable goal in the evolution of every consciousness. Variant: megafraternity.
MaximechanismMaximecanismo Multidimensional network of extraphysical and intraphysical teams of helpers and assistants, supervised, supported, and sustained by free consciousnesses (FC’s), that actively, silently, and polykarmically work backstage everywhere, at all levels of evolution.
Maximorexis (maxi + mor + exis)Maximoréxis (maxi + mor + exis) Maximum existential moratorium. Condition of a larger existential morexis or one that comes to the completist conscin, in the quality of an add-on or addendum (on the basis of a surplus), with respect to the existential completion of their proexis; therefore, the execution of a super healthy, concluded, existential mandate. Variant: existential maximoratorium.
Maxiproexis (maxi + pro + exis)Maxiproéxis (maxi + pro + exis) Maximum wholesale proexis with the intent of executing the task in relation to the experience of universalism and maxifraternity, with a polykarmic basis. The maxiproexis essentially depends on the groupkarma (groupkarmality). Variant: maxi existential program
Maxithosene (maxi + tho + sen + e)Maxipensene (maxi + pen + sen + e) The thosene peculiar to the FCs or Free Consciexes. Mega-attributes propellers of evolution Mega-atributos propulsores da evolução Consciential attributes capable of dynamizing the evolution of the consciousness. Variant: mega-attributes that propell evolution. See list below: FIGURE 3: MEGA-ATTRIBUTES PROPELLERS OF EVOLUTION Consciousness 01. Consciential openness (self-conscientiality) 02. Multidimensional self-conscientization (projectiology) 03. Self-deintrusion (depertology) 04. Self-discernment (discernmentology) 05. Self-research (experimentology) 06. Self-organization (logicity) 07. Cosmoethics (code of personal cosmoethics - CPC) 08. Cosmovision (interactivity) 09. Energetic control (energosomatology) 10. Personal evolutionary register - PER (holobiographology) 11. Holomaturity (holomaturology) 12. Evolutionary intelligence (evolutiology) 13. Intentionality (intentionology) 14. Interassistantiality (assistantiology) 15. Neophilia (recexiology) 16 Polykarmality (holokarmology) 17. Principle of disbelief (CSO – cosmoethical skeptical optimist) 18. Prioritization (continuistics) 19. Self-thosenic rectitude (homeostaticology) 20. Will (volitionology)
Megaeuphorization (mega + euphorization)Megaeuforização (mega + euforização) Energetic state induced by the strong will of a consciousness, conscin or consciex, by means of a maximum exultation of consciential energies from one’s energosphere or holosoma. This leads to the homeostatic apex of the intimate harmonization of one’s consciential microuniverse and results in an inherent expansion of the consciousness, generating an aura of good health, serenity, tranquility, universal fraternity, an apex of plenitude, and a self-predisposition for doing interassistantial work, all sponsored by the vibrational state (VS).
MegagesconMegagescon The greatest consciential gestation; the conscin’s masterpiece centered on the completion of magnum assistantial, fraternal neoideas within the framework of personal works of the more advanced program of a personal and group proexis. Megagoal (mega + goal) Megameta (mega + meta) The greatest objective of the consciousness’ self-evolution. Megapower (mega + power) Megapoder (mega + poder) The evolved condition of the consciousness’ magnum cosmoethical lucidity.
Megastrongtrait (mega + strong + trait)Megatrafor (mega + tra + for) Maximum strong trait or predominant talent in the structure of the consciousness’ microuniverse, capable of sustaining maximum evolutionary recyclings and recin, through the Code of Personal Cosmoethics (CPC), theorically analysed and depured, as well as keeping the materthosene motivated at a high level of dynamism and constructiveness.
Megathosene (mega + tho + sen + e)Megathosene (mega + tho + sen + e) See orthothosene.
Megaweaktrait (mega + weak + trait)Megatrafar (mega + tra + far) Maximum weak trait or megadefect in the structure of the consciousness’ microuniverse, whether a consciex or a conscin, responsible for the regression or stagnation of evolution, through the principles of cosmoethicology and evolutiology, evaluated in an individual, theorical and prioritary way.
Melex (mel + ex)Melex (mel + ex) Extraphysical intermissive, post-desoma or post-mortem melancholy; morbid state of the consciex, characterized by depression, a prolonged deeply painful mood, and loss of the capacity to love and for self-love, with indescribable sadness and intense doldrums.
Melin (mel + in)Melin (mel + in) Intraphysical melancholy; morbid state of the conscin characterized by depression, loss of interest in life, a prolonged deeply painful mood, loss of the capacity to love and for self-love, with indescribable sadness and intense mental and physical doldrums, which may result in the manifestation of several psychiatric problems, often considered as a phase of manic depression disorder, psychosis, mood disorder, or bipolar syndrome.
Mentalsoma (mental + soma)Mentalsoma (mental + soma) Mental body or parabody of the consciousness; the most sophisticated vehicle of manifestation, and an extraphysical tool of consciexes and conscins. Plural: mentalsomas. Variants: mental body, body of ideas.
Mentalsomatic cycleCiclo mentalsomático The evolutionary cycle or course of the consciousness which begins with the newly attained condition of FC, or free consciex, in which the psychosoma is definitively deactivated (third death) and the consciousness lives exclusively with the mentalsoma.
Mentalsomatic epicentrismEpicentrismo mentalsomático Act or effect of the intermissivist conscin theorically exercising parapsychic parabrain leadership with the purpose of deintruding (Neothosenology) and producing neoverponogenic (Hyperthosenology) claritaskal interassistance (Benignothosenology).
Mentalsomatics (mental + somatics)Mentalsomática (mental + somática) See mentalsomatology.
Mentalsomatology (mental + somatology)Mentalsomatologia (mental + somatologia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the mentalsoma (the parabody of discernment) and its evolutionary consequences for the consciousness. It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: mentalsomatics.
MicrocosmosMicrosmos Universe from the personal and subjective point of view, as opposed to the macrocosmos: Universe from the collective and objective point of view. From the perspective of conscientiology, the microcosmos is the consciential, individual, personal, and subjective microuniverse, a reflection of the macrocosmos. See consciential microuniverse.
Mini energetic springtimeMini primavera energética See minienerspring.
MinienerspringMiniprimener (mini + prim + ener) Condition of a minimal or ephemeral energetic springtime. Variant: mini energetic springtime.
Minimorexis (mini + morexis)Minimoréxis (mini + mor + exis) Condition of a smaller scale existential moratorium or one that comes to the incompletist conscin in order to make up for their holokarmic deficit (deficit based) or to conclude the condition of complexis with respect to their proexis; therefore, the completion of a still unconcluded existential mandate. Variant: existential mini-moratorium.
Minipiece (mini + piece)Minipeça (mini +peça) Small but relevant functional part of the interassistantial maximechanism, performed by a consciousness in evolution. Variants: minipart, minicog.
Miniproexis (mini + proexis)Miniproéxis (mini + pro + exis) Minimal, retail like, existential program, or one with the objective of executing a minimal, still groupkarmic, and not polykarmic, task. Variant: mini existential program.
Minithosene (mini + tho + sen + e)Minipensene (mini + pen + sen + e) The thosene specific to a child, sometimes due to the brain still being in development.
Mnemonic intrusionIntrusão mnemônica Collision of an intrusive memory from a consciex on the cerebral memory of a conscin (paramnesia).
Mnemosoma (mnemo + soma)Mnemossoma (mnemo + soma) The soma specifically considered with respect to all the consciousness’ memories in all its forms.
Mnemosomatics (mnemo + somatics)Mnemossomática (mnemo + somática) See mnemosomatology.
Mnemosomatology (mnemo + somatology)Mnemossomatologia (mnemo + somatologia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies and researches the soma, specifically in relation to intrasomatic memories, spanning from the cerebral memory or basic biomemory of the human being, up to the point of reaching the holomemory. It is a scientific subfield of mentalsomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: mnemosomatics.
Monothanatosis (mono + thanatos)Monotanatose (mono + tanatose) The same as desoma; first death. Plural: monothanatoses.
Monothosene (mono + tho + sen + e)Monopensene (mono + pen + sen + e) The repetitive thosene; mono-ideism; a fixed idea; mental echo; rethosene. Variant: monoidea.
Morexis (mor + exis)Moréxis (mor + exis) Condition of an existential moratorium, or complement to the intraphysical life, given to certain consciousnesses based on their holokarmic merit. The morexis can be based on a deficit - smaller - minimorexis; or a surplus - larger - maximorexis, with respect to the results of the existential program. Variant: existential moratorium.
Morphothosene (morpho + tho + sen + ene)Morfopensene (morfo + pen + sen + ene) The thought or set of thoughts when united and expressing themselves in some manner, as a form. The accumulation of morphothosenes composes the consciousnesses’ holothosene. Outdated variant: thought-form.
Multicomplexis (multi + compl + exis)Multicompléxis (multi + compl + exis) Existential multicompletism or complexis obtained through the execution of various existential programs (proexis) in diverse, consecutive, intraphysical lives (seriexology). Variant: existential multicompletism. Multidimensional self-awareness (MS) Autoconscientização multidimensional (AM) Condition of mature lucidity of the conscin with respect to life in the evolved state of multidimensionality, attained through LP, or lucid projection. Variant: multidimensional self-conscientization.
Multiexistential cycleCiclo multiexistencial The system or condition of continuous alternating cycles, at our average evolutionary level, of a period of intraphysical rebirth (seriexis) followed by an extraphysical or intermissive period, post somatic deactivation.
MultiexistentialityMultiexistencialidade System or condition of continuous alternation of an intraphysical periods of rebirth with other somatic post-deactivation, extrahysical, or intermissive periods (personal seriexis). Quality of the condition of self-awareness and a continuous experience of a consciousness as to their multiple lives, interwoven with each other over time, accumulating knowledge and experience until reaching the third desoma. Variant: pluriexistentiality.
Near death experience (NDE)Experiência da Quase Morte (EQM) Involuntary or forced projective occurrence experienced by the human consciousness in critical human circumstances. The NDE is common among terminal patients, dying patients, and survivors of clinical death.
NeoconstructNeoconstruto Neoconcept or theorical neoconstruction, purely mental, elaborated or synthesized based on neoverpons, from the performance of the self-conscious lucid researcher to analyze and understand some aspect of a study or science.
NeoideaNeoideia The construction of new and innovative contents, heuristic creativity, capable of opening the mind to a cosmoramic understanding; a major technique and paratechnique of the facts and parafacts of the Cosmos.
Neophilia (neo + philia)Neofilia (neo + filia) Easy adaptation of the conscin to new situations, things, and occurrences. The opposite is neophobia.
Neothosene (neo + tho + sen + e)Neopensene (neo + pen + sen + e) The thosene of the conscin when it manifests through new synapses or interneuronial connections, capable of creating recin or intraconsciential recycling; the unit of measurement of consciential renovation, according to conscientiology or more appropriately conscientiometrology.
Neutral themeTema neutro Any subject, apart from homeostatic or nosographic ones, technically approached in an impartial and exempt manner, in any analysis, research or investigation, in order to be better understood and explicit in the development of evolutionary bioethical clarification tasks (claritask).
Nosographic themeTema nosográfico Predominantly pathological subject approached technically in any analysis, research or investigation, in order to be better understood and explicit in the development of evolutionary bioethical clarification tasks (claritask).
NuchochakraNucochacra Chakra located in the nape of the neck. Responsible for couplings between conscins and consciexes. Variant: nuchal chakra.
OffiexOfiex Extraphysical clinic of an intraphysical epicon. The offiex’s extraphysical facilities and resources are multiple and unexpected. See extraphysical clinic.
Omisuper (omi + super)Omissuper (omi + super) Superavitary omission. Exceptional personal or group behaviour to prophylactically avoid, in a conscious and self-determined manner, an anti-evolutionary or anticosmoethical action, in this case explicitly going in the counterflow of the still pathological socin, being against mouldy traditionalisms, folklores, myths, ancient sympathies, superstitions, and cultural idiocies in force.
OmniquestioningOmniquestionamento Condition or state of disbelief, uninterrupted questioning, and universal analysis, by formulating research questions about facts and parafacts. Orgastic aura Aura orgástica From Latin, aura, breath of air. Energosomatic energy of the facies sexualis of the man or woman at the exact moment of orgasm or climax of the sexual act. Variant: orgasmic aura. Orthopensata Ortopensata The straight, correct, normal, fair, upright, and direct thought (pensata).
Orthothosene (ortho + tho + sen + e)Ortopensene (orto + pen + sen + e) The thosene that is correct or cosmoethical, pertaining to consciential holomaturity. According to conscientiometrology it is the unit of measurement of practical cosmoethics. Variant: megathosene
OrthothosenityOrtopensenidade Quality, act, or the effect of maintaining self-thosenity, characterized by the constant predominance of orthothosenes, correct or cosmoethical thosenes, composing a conscin’s or consciex’s personal condition of holomaturity, and the unit of measurement of practiced cosmoethics.
PalmochakrasPalmochacras Secondary chakras located in the palms of the hands, responsible for the exteriorization of consciential energies (CEs). Variant: palm chakras.
PangraphyPangrafia Sophisticated, comprehensive, multimodal, parapsychic writing.
ParaPara Prefix that means beyond or beside, as in parabrain. It also means extraphysical in the context of conscientiology.
ParabiologyParabiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies living beings in their multidimensional and multivehicular relationships. It is a scientific subfield of experimentology.
ParabodyParacorpo Non-material body, or vehicle of multidimensional manifestation, comprising the holosoma, with the exception of the physical body or soma. Examples: energosoma (energetic parabody), psychosoma (parabody of emotions), mentalsoma (parabody of self-determination).
ParabotanicologyParabotanicologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the manifestation of consciential principles in their primary condition as plants or paraflora. It is a scientic subfield of parabiology. Outdated variant for this speciality: Parabotany.
ParabotanyParabotânica See parabotanicology.
ParabrainParacérebro Extraphysical brain of the psychosoma of the consciousness in the extraphysical state (consciex), intraphysical (conscin) and projected state. Related terms: paraencephalo, paracerebellum.
ParachronologyParacronologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the chronology of the manifestations of consciousnesses beyond intraphysicality, aiming also at other consciential dimensions, holobiographies, and multidimensionality. It is a scientific subfield of holoresomatology.
ParacicatrizationParacicatrização See paracicatrizationology.
ParacicatrizationologyParacicatrizaciologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the healing that transcends the resources of intraphysicality, through parapsychism. It is a scientific subfield of parasurgeriology. Outdated variant for this speciality: paracicatrization.
ParacitizenParacidadão A consciousness that has already passed through biological death, or the 1st desoma, and is currently in the extraphysical dimension manifesting themselves through the psychosoma or parabody of emotions, as a citizen of a sociex, or a specific communex.
ParaclinicParaclínica See paraclinicology.
ParaclinicologyParaclinicologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the clinical practice or the care of sick patients beyond intraphysicality, through parapsychism. It is a scientific subfield of conscientiotherapeuticology. Outdated variant for this speciality: paraclinic.
ParaconstructParaconstructo Purely mentalsomatic synthetic construction created from less simple, mental, cerebral, somatic, or intraphysical elements to form part of a more complex conscientiologicaltheory, or the “entire”, holosomatic, multidimensional, holomnemonic, and holobiographical consciousness.
ParademographologyParademografologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the multidimensional study of the populations of consciexes, or parapopulations, from a quantitative perspective, with the selection of numerical indicators capable of allowing the analysis of significant changes in the variables of specific extraphysical realities, for example: consciexes evolutionary focused on Earth during the intermission period, a calculation of the number of assisting and assisted consciexes in intermissive courses, the floating parapopulation, and transmigrated consciexes.
ParadiplomacyParadiplomacia Speciality of conscientiology that studies evolutionary and cosmoethical interelationships among all consciousness, regardless of their evolutionary level, from a multidimensional perspective, including conscins and consciexes, as well as socins and sociexes.
ParaepistemologyParepistemologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the origin, nature, and value of understanding and producing multidimensional scientific knowledge.
ParafactParafato Multidimensional fact beyond the material universe, observed by consciexes, projected conscins, and parapsychic or sensitive conscins.
ParageneticologyParageneticologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of genetics that is inherited by a consciousness from itself. Such genetics relate to all the consciousness´ innate traits and temperament, which left their mark from past lives on the conscin’s psychosoma and mentalsoma (holosomatics) until the present day. Outdated variant for this speciality: paragenetics.
ParageneticsParagenética The genetics related to the consciousness’ inheritances, through the psychosoma, from lives prior to the human embryo. Also see parageneticology.
ParageographologyParageografologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the description of the paratroposphere, including its parageographic accidents and extraphysical environments, as well as the relationships between this environment and the transient autochthonous parapopulation. It is a scientific subfield of extraphysicology. Outdated variant for this speciality: parageography.
ParageographyParageografia The geography describing extraphysical paratropospheric environments including parageographic accidents, extraphysical communities, and the relation between these and their parapopulation.
ParahemostasiologyPara-hemostasiologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study, through parapsychism, of the hemostasis that transcends intraphysical resources. It is a scientific subfield of parasurgeriology (conscientiotherapeuticology). Outdated variant for this speciality: parahemostasis.
ParahemostasisPara-hemostasia See parahemostasiology.
ParahistoriologyPara-historiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the history of the consciousness and the cosmos, beyond the autobiography of a conscin’s current human life, and human history, in a multidimensional manner through extraphysicology, retrocognitions, and lucid consciential projectability. It is a scientific subfield of parachronology. Outdated variant for this speciality: parahistory.
ParahistoryPara-história See parahistoriology.
ParalawologyParadireitologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the studies and research of paralaw and paraduty, based on self-lucidity and discernment, the multidimensional cosmoethical behaviour of a consciousness, and the theorical dissemination of new advanced sciences and realities such as: the World State and parapoliticology, paradiplomacy, and holophilosophy. Outdated variant for this speciality: paralaw.
ParamanPara-homem Consciex with the visual appearance of a man or a projected male conscin. Outdated variant: male spiritual entity.
ParamicrochipParamicrochip Miniaturized, energetic parapiece implanted or built in to the parencephalo of the conscin’s macrosoma, related to the paracerebellum, during the preresomatic period, capable of performing more or less complex interactive functions, notably the intensification of one’s consciential energies (CEs) acting in telepathy, insights between the conscin and different consciex helpers, assisting in greater assess to Extraphysical Centre or personal paraprovenance (paraprovenanciology).
ParanatomologyParanatomologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the anatomy transcending intraphysicality, considering the vehicles of manifestation of the consciousness, excluding the human body (soma). It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: paranatomy.
ParanatomyParanatomia See paranatomology.
ParanesthesiaParanestesia See paranesthesiology.
ParanesthesiologyParanestesiology Speciality of conscientiology that studies techniques of anesthesia that transcend the resources of intraphysicality, by using parapsychism. It is a scientific subfield of parasurgeriology (conscientiotherapeuticology). Outdated variant for this speciality: paranesthesia.
ParaneurologyParaneurologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the parabrain and its relationships with the physical brain, the nervous system, and the other vehicles of the holosoma. It is a scientific subfield of psychosomatology.
ParapathologyParapatologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the pathology of the consciousness’ vehicles of manifestation, or holosoma (energosoma, psychosoma, mentalsoma), excluding the human body (soma). It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology.
ParapedagogiologyParapedagogiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies philosophy of education, and pedagogy, beyond the resources of intraphysicality, through lucid multidimensionality, projectability of the human consciousness, and its consequences in human life. It is a scientific subfield of communicology. Variant: parapedagogy.
ParapedagogyParapedagogia See parapedagogiology.
ParaperceptiologyParapercepciologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the consciousness’ paraperceptions, beyond perceptions restricted to the human body (soma), its phenomena and evolutionary consequences. It is a scientific subfield of paraphenomenology.
ParaphenomenologyParafenomenologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the human consciousness’ parapsychic manifestations, whether of subjective origin (intraconsciential) or ambivalent/objective origin (perceptible to the external world), through the application of the holosoma and mobilization of consciential energies. It is a subfield of paraphysiology. Paraphysiology Parafisiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the functions of the consciousness’ vehicles of manifestation or holosoma (energosoma, psychosoma, mentalsoma), excluding the human body (soma). It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Parapoliticology Parapoliticologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the studies of the multidimensional connections envisaging the administration of evolutionary groups by an epicon focused on integrating the many consciential minipieces in such a way they can perform their individual and group proexes. It is a scientific subfield of parasociology.
ParapopulationParapopulaçãoExtraphysical population of consciexes (paracitizens) that resomate on a spe cific planet, forming their own parasociety.
ParaprophylaxiologyParaprofilaxiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the prophylaxis transcending the limits of intraphysicology, to prevent mistakes and inconveniences to the consciousness in every dimension in which they manifest. It is a scientific subfield of paraclinicology (conscientiotherapeuticology). Outdated variant for this speciality: paraprophylaxis.
ParaprophylaxisParaprofilaxia See paraprophylaxiology.
ParaprovenanceParaprocedência Unique, personal extraphysical base, where each intraphysical consciousness (conscin) comes from, prior to resoma, during the preresomatic period while an extraphysical consciousness (consciex). Variants: extraphysical hometown, self-paraorigin, paraorigin, paraprocedence.
Parapsychic accidentAcidente parapsíquico Physical or psychological disturbance caused by sick energetic, interconsciential influences, generally of extraphysical or multidimensional origins.
Parapsychic dynamicDinâmica parapsíquica Group activity held at a set time and place, generally weekly, aimed at developing lucid parapsychism, consciential epicentrism, self and heterodeintrusion, consciential hyperacuity, and theorical multidimensional interassistantiality, by using bioenergetic techniques under the responsibility of an epicenter.
Parapsychic self-inheritanceAuto-herança parapsíquica Action of inheriting or acquiring through self-relay, from one human life to the next, one’s entire consciential patrimony regarding paraperceptive attributes, including the most evolved ones acquired in this present existence.
Parapsychic self-lucidityAutolucidez parapsíquica Condition, quality, or lucid state of comprehensiveness, depth, and/or clear, objective, and acute personal ingenious penetration of self-conscientiality, or evolutionary intelligence, as regards the use of content from multiple modalities of paraperception with the rational and theorical identification of parafacts or paraphenomena occuring within the universe of consciential multidimensionality.
Parapsychic signalSinalética parapsíquica Existence, identification and self-conscious use of personal, animic, parapsychic, energetic signals that every conscin possesses. Variant: parapsychic sign, parapsychic signage, parapsychic signaletic.
Parapsychic tareTara parapsíquica Condition or talent of the lucid, paraperceptive, sensitive conscin able to withstand, act or have an individual structure that can bear the load of the presence and strength of pressure generated by still pathologically assisted consciexes, conseneres, conscious and unconscious intruders, vampires, and the needy, without assimilating unsympathetic consciential energies or generating disturbance in themselves.
ParapsychismParapsiquismo Energetic (IE and CE), animic and parapsychic perceptions, beyond normopsychism, bradypsychism, or tachypsychism, or the consciousness’ ordinary reasoning in the ordinary physical waking state or when in the multidimensionality.
Parapsychophysical repercussionsRepercussões parapsicofísicas Reactions between two vehicles of consciential manifestation, during the act of coming into contact with one another. This applies to the different vehicles of a consciousness, or between similar vehicles of two or more consciousnesses. Such repercussions can be intraphysical or extraphysical.
PararealityPararealidade The extraphysical reality of the Cosmos or the consciousness, in which this intraphysical reality is merely a primary duplicate or sketch. It is the reality registered by the parabrain, constructed from multidimensional experiences and sustained by parafacts.
PararegeneratiologyPararregeneraciologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the anatomical and/or functional regeneration of a consciousness’ vehicles of manifestation, or the holosoma, even beyond the human body, including parahealing and paratransfigurations. It is a scientific subfield of paraphysiology. Outdated variant for this speciality: pararegeneration.
ParareurbanologyPararreurbanologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of the techniques, assistantial maximechanism, and effects of multidimensional reurbanizations (reurbex and reurbin) on this planet. It is a scientific subfield of assistantiology. Variants: reurbanizatiology, reurbexology.
Parasanitary enchapsulationEnchapsulamento parassanitário Temporary assistantial isolation and energetic annulment of thosenic manifestations of one or more sick conscins or consciexes – notably energetic, intrusive, or related to intrusion. It is analogous to the sanitary isolation that exists in hospitals for the treatment of patients with infectious and contagious diseases or high levels of radioactivity or toxic contamination. Variant: consciential enchapsulation.
ParasemiologyParassemiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies and identifies parasymptomology, verbal and non-verbal parasignals, and multidimensional consciential interrelations, which reveal disturbances or parapathologies of the holosomatic, integral consciousness, by using parapsychism and paraperceptiology. It is a scientific subfield of paraclinicology.
ParasepsiologyParassepsiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the asepsis that transcends the resources of intraphysicality, through the use of parapsychism. It is a scientific subfield of parasurgeriology (conscientiotherapeuticology). Outdated variant for this speciality: parasepsis.
ParasepsisParassepsia See parasepsiology.
ParasociologyParassociologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies and researches techniques and practices of conscientiological socin and sociexes or extraphysical societies, and its respective consequences in the human, extraphysical, or projected life. It is a scientific subfield of holoresomatology.
ParasurgeriologyParacirurgiologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies surgery beyond intraphysical resources of intraphysicality or parasurgery, through parapsychism (paraperceptiology). It is a scientific subfield of conscientiotherapeuticology. Outdated variant for this speciality: parasurgery.
ParasurgeryParacirurgia See parasurgeriology
ParatechnologyParatecnologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of the consciousness technology, based on the approach of the “entire” personality and its consequences, employing every methodology pertaining to the expansion of a conscin’s self-knowledge, including, general projective techniques. It is a scientific subfield of extraphysicology.
Paratherapeutic self-criticismAutocriticidade paraterapêutica The quality, property or talent of the conscin with a detailed, cosmoethical, authentic, and cosmovisiological self-evaluation and self-analysis of their own consciential reality, being an indispensable condition for the planning of one’s self-confrontational actions aiming functional homeostasis.
ParatherapeuticologyParaterapeuticologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of therapeutics or the treatment of pathological disturbances as developed by conscientiotherapy. It is a scientific subfield of paraclinicology. Outdated variant for this speciality: paratherapeutics.
ParatherapeuticsParaterapêutica See paratherapeuticology.
Parathosene (para + tho + sen + e)Parapensene (para + pen + sen + e) Thosene specific to a consciex or extraphysical consciousness.
ParatransfigurationParatransfiguração Quality of the psychosoma’s plasticity allowing self-transfiguration, that is, assuming any kind of form applied by a consciex or projected conscin, usually produced through the force of the will and technically applied. A paratransfiguration can also occur in the change of extraphysical environments, due to a structural change of morphothosenes.
ParawomanParamulher Consciex with the visual appearance of a woman or a projected female conscin. Outdated variant: female spiritual entity.
ParazoologyParazoologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the manifestation of consciential principles in the condition of subhuman animals, or parafauna. A scientific subfield of parabiology.
ParoemiaParêmia From Greek paroimia. Expression or phrase characterized by a synthesis of ideas and/or thoughts in a figurative way; repeated by peoples as a truth or argument in an exposition or debate; proverb, short allegory, aphorism, dito, apothegm, maxim or popular idiom. Usually stemming from myths, legends, habits, customs, rituals, and folklore, presenting great intellectual value as it brings together popular common sense and a cognitive erudite approach, often indicating the state of the civilization that coined it. Examples: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. / Birds of like feather flock together.
ParoemiologyParemiologia Science and branch of philology applied to the specific, systematic and theorical study of paroemias and the process of their creation, interpretation, and renewal of expressions containing secular popular wisdom, synthesizing erudite knowledge of a culture and favouring the elimination of self-rigidity and the development of the researcher conscin’s full thosenic freedom.
Pathothosene (patho + tho + sen + e)Patopensene (pato + pen + sen + e) Pathological thosene or consciential insanity; mental peccadillo; pathological will; sick intention; cerebral rumination. Variant: oneirothosene.
PensataPensata A basic product of the self-thosenating machine, the parabrain, that is, the consciousness itself and their positioning. A pensata, therefore, is the current picture of the consciousness’ evolutionary cognition, and it is always intelligent to relate pensatas to the consciousness’ self-experience, making them more authentic and genuine. Pensatas precede, or prepare the mentalsomatic field, for the writing of an article, verbet, thesis, book, anthology, manual, or treatise. Examples: Pensata: mentalsomatic unit. Self-discernment: consciential auditor.
Penta (p + en + ta)Tenepes (t + ene + pes) Multidimensional, daily, personal, energetic task that consists of a technical transmission of consciential energies, or CEs, by a conscin with the permanent assistance of helpers, directly to consciexes, projected conscins, or conscins in the ordinary physical waking state. The practitioner of penta receives continuous assistance from the helpers on a long-term basis or for the rest of their life. Outdated variants: passes to the dark; passes-to-the-void.
PentologyTenepessologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the specific, systematic, and theorical study and research of a penta practitioner’s experiences. It aims to improve the penta practitioner as well as disseminate this advanced energetic practice more widely. It is a subfield of assistantiology.
PericonscientialPericonsciencial Term to designate the materialistic or mechanistic sciences, which superficially approach the study of consciousness, as they do not accept the non-material nature of consciousness.
Personal energosphereEnergosfera pessoal Aura, from Latin aura, blow of air; a field of unknown nature with some magnetic characteristics and a luminous appearance to sensitives, consciexes, and projected conscins, visible on certain occasions with colors likely linked to the field’s energy and the activities and thoughts of the realities involved. Examples: living beings, men, women, children, fetuses, animals, plants, minerals, physical objects, and even consciexes (self-luminosity).
Personal evolutionary register (PER)Ficha evolutiva pessoal (FEP) Extraphysical register or ordered record of the most intimate and detailed information of essential thosenic manifestations concerning the self experiences or microuniverse of any consciential principle. This register is the responsibility of, and is always being updated or paratechnologically filled in by the groupkarma´s evolutiologist or extraphysical evolutionary orientor. Variants: personal evolutionary record, personal evolutionary file.
Personal experience (PE)Vivência pessoal (VP) Practical, personal, direct, and non-transferable experimentation of the conscin along their evolutionary path.
Personal principlesPrincípios pessoais Set of values and initiatives chosen by the consciousness to guide their consciential life. It is based on holomaturity, multidimensionality, and deeply experienced cosmoethics.
Phenomena concomitant to LPFenômeno concomitante à PC That which occurs in or out of the space-time continuum, however simultaneously with development of the experience of conscious projection, in a spontaneous and unexpected fashion.
Physical baseBase física Safe place, chosen by the conscin to leave the inanimate or resting body, while projecting themselves into other consciential dimensions beyond the body. A home projectiogenic holothosene with direct relation to the energetically shielded bedroom, penta, an epicon, extraphysical clinic, projectarium, precognitarium, and retrocognitarium.
PhytoenergyFitoenergia Immanent energy (IE) from plants and vegetables. Phytothosene (phyto + tho + sen + e) Fitopensene (fito + pen + sen + e) Rudimentary thosene of a plant; the lexical unit of a plant, according to conscientiology. Plantochakras Plantochacras Secondary chakras located in the soles of our feet, responsible for the absorption of geoenergy (telluric or Earth energy). Outdated variants: pre kundalini, sole chakras.
Podosoma (podo + soma)Podossoma (podo + soma) The soma considered specifically with respect to the application of the feet, or work performed with the feet, for example, that of a soccer player.
Polykarma (poly + karma)Policarma (poli + carma) Principle of cause and effect, acting on the evolution of a consciousness, when centred in a sense and experience of cosmic maxifraternity, beyond egokarma and groupkarma.
PolykarmalityPolicarmalidade The most evolved condition or quality in holokarmology, besides egokarmality and groupkarmality, when a consciousness has their focus on lucid interconsciential assistance in a spontaneous, cosmoethical, and intense way, placing this undertaking as the reason for the existence of evolution itself, and producing consciential gestations and multiexistential self-relays, hence becoming a lucid minipiece in the structure of the multidimensional assistantial maximechanism.
Polykarmology (poly + karmo + logy)Policarmologia (poli + carma + logia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the relationships or principles of cause and effect active in the evolution of the consciousness, when centered in the understanding and experience of cosmic maxifraternity, beyond egokarma and groupkarma. It is a scientific subfield of holokarmology. Outdated variant: polykarmalogy.
Postsomatic intermissionIntermissão pós-somática Extraphysical period of the consciousness immediately after their somatic deactivation or desoma (death).
Pre-couplePré-casal Initial preliminary condition of practical human sexuality within intraphysical society.
Pre-intraphysical mandateMandato pré-intrafísico Existential program for the human life planned before the intraphysical rebirth of the consciousness; proexis.
Pre-kundaliniPré-kundalini See plantochackra.
Pre-serenissimusPré-serenão Conscin or consciex who does not yet live with lucid serenism.
Pre-somatic intermissionIntermissão pré-somática The extraphysical period of the consciousness prior to their intraphysical rebirth.
PrecognitariumPrecognitarium Physical base technically prepared for the production of precognitive LPs (lucid projections).
Primothosene (primo + tho + sen + e)Primopensene (primo + pen + sen + e) The same as the primary cause of the universe; the first composed thought. There is no plural form for this noun.
Principle of DisbeliefPrincípio da descrença Fundamental and irreplaceable proposition by which conscientiology approaches reality in general, the cosmos, and any dimension. It refuses to permit a researcher to present any concept without practical evidence or deep reflection, confronting causation, logic, and personal reasoning, or in an a priori, dogmatic way. The aforementioned principle is “Don’t believe in anything, not even in what you hear at conscientiological institutions. Experiment. Have your own personal experiences.”
Proexis (pro + exis)Proéxis (pro + exis) Personal evolutionary existential program of the conscin, established in the extraphysical dimension before the conscin becomes restricted by human life, or the intraphysicality of being reborn. Variant: pre-intraphysical mandate.
ProexologyProexologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and research of a conscin’s personal and group existential program, and its evolutionary effects.
ProjectariumProjetarium Physical base technically prepared for the production of LPs.
ProjectiocriticologyProjeciocriticologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies projectiologic critique stemming from self and hetero-evaluation of psychic, energetic, and multidimensional performances. It is a scientific subfield of projectiology. Outdated variant for this speciality: projectiocritique.
ProjectiocritiqueProjeciocrítica See projectiocriticology.
ProjectiographologyProjeciografologia Speciality of conscientiology that technically studies all projectiological records. It is a scientific subfield of projectiology. Outdated variant for this speciality: projectiography.
ProjectiographyProjeciografia See projectiographology.
ProjectiologyProjeciologia From Latin, projectio, projection; from Greek, logos, treatise. Speciality of conscientiology that studies the projections of the consciousness and its effects, including the projection of CEs from the holosoma. It is a scientific subfield of communicology (interdimensionality).
ProjectiotherapeuticologyProjecioterapeuticologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the depurations and therapies derived from the research and techniques of projectiology. It is a scientific subfield of paraclinicology (conscientiotherapeuticology). Outdated variant for this speciality: projectiotherapy.
ProjectiotherapyProjecioterapia See projectiotherapeuticology.
Projective mental targetAlvo mental projetivo Predetermined goal that the conscin tries to achieve, when lucid outside the soma, through their will, intention, mentalisation, and decision.
Projective phenomenonFenômeno projetivo Parapsychic occurrence specific to the context of projectiology research.
Projective recessRecesso projetivo The existential phase of the conscin characterized by the spontaneous cessation – almost always temporary – of lucid projective experiences, within a sequence of intensive experiments.
Protothosene (proto + tho + sen+ e)Protopensene (proto + pen + sen + e) The most rudimentary thosene; same as phytothosene or hypothosene.
Psychosoma (psycho + soma)Psicossoma (psico + soma) From Greek, psyckhé, soul; soma, body. The emotional parabody of the consciousness; the objective body of the conscin. Variants: body of emotions; metasoma. Outdated variants: astral body; emotional body.
Psychosomatic intrusionIntrusão psicossomática Invasion of one consciousness by another through emotionality, or through the psychosoma.
Psychosomatics (psycho + somatics)Psicossomática (psico + somática) See psychosomatology.
Psychosomatology (psycho + somatology)Psicossomatologia (psico + somatologia) Speciality of conscientiology that studies the emotions of the consciousness stemming from the psychosoma, the emotional parabody. It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: psychosomatics.
Rare friendshipAmizade raríssima The elevated and unique true feeling of reciprocal affection, sympathy, esteem, and tenderness between consciousnesses, in which the attraction of mentalsomatic conviviality, or from the parabody of self-discernment, exceeds the attraction through common affective interaction, at an evolutionary level beyond the links of family ties or sexual attraction.
RecexabilityRecexibilidade The quality of the intraphysical execution of existential recycling (recexis). Variant: existential recyclability.
RecexiologyRecexologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of the philosophy and practice of recexis, or existential recycling technique in the intraphysicaldimension, starting with recin, or intraconsciential recycling.
Recexis (rec + exis)Recéxis (rec + exis) Technique of existential recycling performed by a conscin. It consists of a change for the better of the entire course of a conscin’s human life and perspective, who from then on adopts new values and a new overview of life and the universe.
Recin (rec + in)Recin (reci + in) Technique of intraconsciential recycling or brain regeneration of the human consciousness (conscin) through the creation of new synapses or interneuronal connections (neuroglia), capable of allowing for an adjustment of the proexis, the execution of recexis, invexis, acquisition of new ideas, neothosenes, hyperthosenes and other neophilic conquests by a self-motivated lucid person.
RecinologyRecinologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study of the philosophy and practice of recin, or intraconsciential recycling. It is based on intraconsciential renewal by the improvement of the conscin’s intentions and thosenity, for the purpose of self-evolution.
Resoma (re + soma)Ressoma (re + soma) Somatic or intraphysical rebirth.
ResomaticsRessomática See resomaticology.
ResomatologyRessomatologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the somatic rebirth of the consciex when passing into the temporary condition of a conscin, or when leaving extraphysicality for intraphysicality. It is a scientific subfield of intraphysicology. Outdated variant for this speciality: resomatics.
Rethosene (re + tho + sen + e)Repensene (re + pen + sen + e) The repeated thosene. The same as monothosene, fixed idea or monoideism.
Retrocognitarium (retro + cognit + arium)Retrocognitarium (retro + cognit + arium) The physical base technically prepared for the production of retrocognitive LPs. Retrocognitiology Retrocogniciologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and experience of retrocognitions, or the recall of past lives and the periods between them, as well as of retrosomas (self-retrocognitions). This speciality aims to be a source of self-research and deeper self-knowledge, so that one can better understand innate ideas coming from the resomated consciousness’ holomemory. Retrocognition Retrocognição From Latin, retro, rear; cognoscere, to know. The perceptive faculty through which the conscin becomes aware of facts, scenes, forms, objects, successes, and experiences belonging to the distant past, commonly related to their holomemory. Outdated variant: past life memory.
Retrocognitor agentAgente retrocognitor The educator consciousness able to revive, without hypnosis, with self and heterocriticism, the holomemory of the mentalsomas of graduate students of pre-resomatic intermissive courses enabling the emergence, in the present, of pre-curricular science, innate ideas generated in the intermissive period and maintained against the biological and genetic restriction of the resoma, by parageneticology, by liberating information offered through exemplary personal acts, conduct, behaviour and attitudes.
Retrothosene (retro + tho + sen + e)Retropensene (retro + pen + sen + e) The thosene specific to self retrocognitions; the same as an engram in mnemotechnics; the unit of measurement of retrocognitions, according to conscientiometrology.
Reurbanized consciousnessConsciência reurbanizada See consreu.
ReurbexReurbex Extraphysical reurbanization. Change for the better of anticosmoethical unhealthy degraded environments and extraphysical communities. This process is sponsored by Serenissimi for the purpose of sanitizing the intraphysical holothosene of areas where conscins under these anti evolutionary and harmful influence live.
ReurbinReurbin Intraphysical reurbanization. It is a change for the better of intraphysical environments and communities, through the reorganization of degraded, deprived or pathological urban areas, eliminating ghettos and stigmatised environments, and providing the region with infrastructure and building restoration, that improve the physical, environmental, and social quality of the place. This results in an improvement in the neighbourhood’s quality of life, and consequently in its overall self-esteem. It sometimes has the effect of generating urban ecological or cultural tourism, migration of people, and in particular, creating new opportunities for recin and recexis.
Robexis (rob + exis)Robéxis (rob + exis) Existential robotization; the condition of a tropospheric conscin, excessively enslaved to intraphysicality or quadridimensionality.
Self-conscientialityAutoconsciencialidade The quality of the level of self-knowledge the consciousness has; megaknowledge; self-cognition. Variant: conscientiality.
Self-criticophiliaAutocriticofilia Self-criticophilia is the stance of the lucid consciousness predisposed to healthy, constructive self-confrontation, built on self-discernment, homeostatic openness, and cosmoethical value, regarding continuous self research and useful heterocriticism.
Self-intrusionAutoassédio Condition of a conscin being emotionally, intellectually, and energetically predisposed to thosenically intrude upon themselves with pathological persistence, without consciential hygiene nor ideated self-discipline, thus constituting the basis for all types of heterointrusion.
Self-mimicryAutomimeticidade The consciential quality of existential self-mimicry.
Self-mithridatismAutomitridatismo Progressive holosomatic self-paraimmunization, obtained through the energosoma, experienced in a lucid way by a veteran parapsychic conscin, particularly when ectoplast, resulting from the constant response to daily requests for fraternal, interassistantial work of deintrusion. This condition permits a veteran parapsychic to reach depertological and cosmoethical self paraimmunity, due to their increasing self-imperturbability in the presence of toxic consciential energies (CEs) and/or pathological holothosenes.
Self-pensatologyAutopensatologia Science applied to specific, systematic and theorical studies, or the research, experience and creation of pensatas (sentences, phrases, dictations, axioms, maxims, and proverbs), by a lucid consciousness, in this case, the thinker and writer. The value or level of clarification varies from pensata to pensata. A simple word of order, or minimal pensata of greater content can determine a life or a group’s destiny.
Self-projectionAutoprojeção The intentional, or provoked by the will, exit of a conscin through the mentalsoma or psychosoma into another consciential dimension.
Self-relayAutorrevesamento See consciential self-relay.
Self-thosene (self + tho + sen + e)Autopensene (auto + pen + sen + e) The thosene of the consciousness itself, specific and different from all others and from all thosenes from other consciousnesses.
Self-thosenic rubbishBagulho autopensênico Pathological, regressive, and anticosmoethical thosene of an incautious consciousness. Variant: self-thosenic knick-knack.
Self-thosenityAutopensenidade The mechanism of incessant expression of a consciousness in all their manifestations and in any consciential dimension.
Self-transaffectivityAutotransafetividade Condition of the evolved consciousness able to express lucid love and megafraternity towards all members of humanity and parahumanity, regardless of their somatic gender, and beyond sexual instincts. This occurs due to the dominance of the parabody of discernment, the mentalsoma, over the sub-body of commotion, the psychosoma.
Self-unforgiverAutoimperdoador The conscin who, in their self-discipline, does not forgive themselves with respect to errors and omissions, with the purpose of eliminating conscious self-corruptions. This healthy condition should come before the equally healthy condition of being a heteroforgiver, a sincere, universal forgiver of all beings, forever, a basic principle of maxifraternity.
Semi-lucid projectionProjeção semiconsciente (PSC) Oneiric experience in which the projected conscin realizes they are partially lucid, in an uncontrolled fashion. It is not the ideal conscious projection; a lucid dream.
Sense of universalismSenso universalista Intimate consciential condition of reconciliation and pure compatibility with all beings and realities in the Cosmos, maintaining a state of lucid awareness of connection with the universal community and the full awakening of maximum universalism, in an irreversible and peaceful way.
SerenismSerenismo Evolutionary tendency of the consciousness to present progressive consciential self-mastery of their thosenic and interconsciential manifestations, potentializing their consciential epicentrism, cosmovisibility, polykarmality, megafraternity, and cosmoethical productivity. It is the quality or characteristic of the Homo sapiens serenissimus.
SerenissimusSerenão The popular name for Homo sapiens serenissimus. Plural: serenissimi. See Homo sapiens serenissimus.
SerenologySerenologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the Homo sapiens serenissimus, their traits, characteristics, and evolutionary repercussions. It is a scientific subfield of conscientiometrology (holomaturology).
SerialitySerialidade Quality of the consciousness subjected to serial existences or the succession of human lives.
Seriexis (seri + exis)Seriéxis (seri + exis) The consciousness’ evolutionary existential seriation; successive existences; the series of intraphysical rebirths. Intraphysical human life. Variant: existential seriation. Outdated variant: reincarnation.
SeriexologySeriexologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and research of seriexis, or existential seriality, being the set of intraphysical lives of a consciousness, based on the consciential paradigm. Variant: holoresomatology.
Sexochakra (sexo + chakra)Sexochacra (sexo + chacra) The sexual or basic root chakra of the conscin. Outdated variants: sex chakra, kundalini (the serpentine fire).
Sexosoma (sexo + soma)Sexossoma (sexo + soma) The soma when considered specifically in relation to its sex. Outdated variant: kundalini.
SexosomaticsSexossomática See sexosomatology.
SexosomatologySexossomatologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the soma as regards its sex, or sexosoma, and its relationship to the conscin. It is a scientific subfield of somatics. Outdated variant for this speciality: sexosomatics.
Sexothosene (sexo + tho + sen + e)Sexopensene (sexo + pen + sen + e) The sexual fantasy, according to sexosomatology and conscientiometrology; it is the unit of measurement of mental adultery.
Shielded chamberAlcova blindada See energetic shielded chamber.
Silver cordCordão de prata The semimaterial or energetic link that keeps the psychosoma connected to the human body, with an initial connection in the psychosoma and another in the soma.
SleepSono The natural resting state in humans and higher animals specifically characterized by the normal and periodic suppression of regular perceptual activity and voluntary movements, by relaxing the senses and muscles, through the reduction of circulatory and respiratory frequencies, and even dream activity, during which the body recovers from fatigue.
Sociex (soci + ex)Sociex (soci + ex) Extraphysical society or of consciexes. Plural: sociexes.
Socin (soc + in)Socin (soci + in) Intraphysical society or of the conscins; human society. Plural: socins.
SomaSoma Human body, the body of the individual belonging to Kingdom: Animalia, Branch: Chordata, Class: Mammalia, Order: Primates, Family: Hominidae, Genus: Homo, Species: Homo sapiens, the most elevated level of animal on this planet; in spite of being the most rustic, exposed, vehicle of the conscin’s holosoma.
SomaticsSomática See somatology.
SomatologySomatologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the soma (human body) within the holosoma, or in relation to the consciousness’ other vehicles of manifestation, within its multidimensional evolution. It is a scientific subfield of holosomatology. Outdated variant for this speciality: somatics.
SplenicochakraEsplenicochacra Chakra located in the abdomen region which together with the abdominal umbilicochakra composes the abdomincal sub-brain, responsible for intense absorptions of energy. Outdated variants: spleen chackra, splenical chakra, splenochakra.
State of suspended animationEstado de animação suspense State in which a conscin temporarily suspends the cellular body’s essential vital functions, later returning to the normal physiological condition. In certain cases no damage to the individual’s health occurs. The cells survive in a state of human metabolic hibernation. Strongtrait Trafor (tra + for) A strong point or trait of a conscin’s personality; a positive component in the structure of one’s consciential universe that propels the consciousness’ evolution. Subthosene (sub + thosene) Subpensene (sub + pen + sen + ene) Thosene charged with consciential energy from the abdominal sub-brain, most notably energy from the umbilicochakra; the unit of measurement of the abdominal sub-brain, according to conscientiometrology.
Superavitary omissionOmissão superavitária See omisuper.
Symas (sym + as)Assim (as + sim) Sympathetic assimilation of CEs, or consciential energies, through the will power, usually with the decoding of the set of thosenes of another consciousness or consciousnesses.
Symdeas (sym + deas)Desassim (des + assim) Sympathetic deassimilation of CEs, practiced through the impulse of the willpower, normally through the VS or vibrational state.
Sympathetic assimilationAssimilação simpática See symas.
Sympathetic deassimilationDesassimilação simpática See symdeas.
Telethosene (tele + tho + sen + e)Telepensene (tele + pen + sen + e) See homothosene.
Theorice (theory + ice)Teática (te + ática) Experience of both theory (1%) and practice (99%) on the part of the conscin or consciex.
ThosenatePensenizar Action of producing or generating thosenes.
ThosenationPensenização Result or effect of the consciousness generating thosenes.
ThosenatorPensenedor Instrument with which the consciousness manifests thoughts and acts. In the specific case of a conscin, the thosenator is the soma.
Thosene (tho + sen + e)Pensene (pen + sen + e) According to conscientiology, the practical unit of manifestation of the consciousness, which considers the thought or idea (conception), sentiment or emotion, and CE (consciential energy) all together and indissociably.
Thosenic intrusionIntrusão pensênica Invasion of one consciousness by another through the mentalsoma.
Thosenic signatureAssinatura pensênica Capacity of the consciousness, conscin or consciex, to exteriorize to others, or to communicate to the Cosmos, their own thosenic manifestations, intentionality, self-determination, or self-positioning in relation to the reality and parareality of facts and parafacts, in life or in experiences of consciential evolution. Variants: self-expression; self-communicability.
ThosenityPensenidade The quality of someone’s thosenic consciousness.
ThosenologyPensenologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies thosenes (thoughts, sentiments, and energies), thosenity, and the consciousness’ thosenators, their paraphysiology and parapathology. Thosenology refers to the concept (theory) and the substratum (practice) on which conscientiology is based.
TrithanatosisTritanatose Deactivation and discarding of the psychosoma by the consciousness. Homo sapiens serenissimus entering the condition of free consciex (FC). Variant: third desoma. Plural: trithanatose.
Trivocabular megathoseneMegapensene trivocabular Technique of elaboration of the maximum synthesis of a subject’s content within the minimal form, in a 3 word mini-sentence. Examples: Cosmos: rational empire. Let’s globalize cosmoethics. Study: that’s everything.
Umbilicochakra (umbilico + chakra)Umbilicochacra (umbilico + chacra) Chakra located above the navel. Related to the (abdominal) physiology and paraphysiology of the human consciousness. Variant: umbilical-chakra.
UniversalismUniversalismo Set of ideas derived from the universality of the basic laws of nature and the universe. As a result of our natural evolution, universalism inevitably becomes the dominant philosophy of the consciousness. Variant: cosmism.
Vehicle of the consciousnessVeículo da consciência Instrument or body that enables the consciousness to manifest in intraphysicality (conscin) and in other extraphysical dimensions (projected conscin and consciex).
VerbatiologyVerbaciologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and experience of verbaction or of the verb-action binomial in a consciousness’ consciential manifestation, along with its evolutionary and cosmoethical consequences. It aims for the maximum possible coherence between what one thinks, talks, and acts within one’s own consciential manifestation.
Verbaction (verb + action)Verbação (verb + ação) Coherent interaction between what is said and done by a consciousness; result of one’s words being ratified by one’s actions.
VerbetVerbete A word or phrase composed by the variables: definition, etymology, synonyms, antonyms, example, and other structured information referring to the word or term, contained in the alphabetical organization of entries in the Encyclopaedia of Conscientiology, which may be classified as prescriptive, cognitive, thematic, encyclopaedic, or referential.
VerponVerpon Leading edge relative truth. According to conscientiology, it is a new thosene (neothosene), a new reality (fact) or parareality (parafact) that definitely exists for a conscin, obtained through conscientiology research and filtered using the principle of disbelief.
VerponologyVerponologia Speciality of conscientiology applied to the study and experience of verpons, or leading-edge relative truths, which are the newest research findings on reality and parareality.The still unpublished verpons are subject to further investigation and updates according to the principle of disbelief.
Vibrational state (VS)Estado vibracional (EV) The technical condition of the dynamization of the energosoma’s energies through the impulse of the will.
Virus of intraphysical societyVírus da sociedade intrafísica See virus of socin.
Virus of socinVírus da Socin Virus of intraphysical society. Any social weaktrait in a human consciousness’ intraphysical life.
VolitiolineVoliciolinaConsciential energy, drawn by the consciousness from immanent energy, presented as a hypothesis of rationally explaining the reality and performance of a conscin´s CEs as being the fuel, engine, or fundamental agent of the will acting on the force, ebb and flow of the Cosmos.
VolitiologyVoliciologia Speciality of conscientiology that studies the manifestation of the will, the consciousness’ greatest megapower, or the consciential attribute related to the capacity of the consciousness to want something and work towards making their ideas come true.
VolitiopathyVoliciopatia Pathology of the nuclear faculties of a consciousness characterized by a weak or sickly will, having a probable paragenetic basis. Volitiopathies constitute an anti-evolutionary counterpoint to natural evolutionary dynamics, in which strengthening of the will inherently occurs.
Volitive intrusionIntrusão volitiva Invasion of a consciousness’ will over another through heterosuggestion, heterohypnosis, or external induction. Variant: volitional intrusion.
Voltaic arcArco Voltaico Technique of transmission and intense assimilation of consciential energy (CE), using the assistant’s left hand (palmochakra) on the nuchal area (nape) of the assisted person, and the right palm (palmochakra) next to the frontochakra (forehead), without touching the soma, seeking to eliminate blockages of gravitating energy through symas and symdeas. It is a vigorous energetic manifestation (high voltage of CEs) of the assistant’s 2 palmochakras, 2 encephalic chakras, and 2 brain hemispheres; and the assisted’s 2 encephalic chakras, and 2 brain hemispheres. Variant: craniochakral voltaic arc.
Waking discoincidenceDescoincidência vígil The parapsychic condition of the conscin - projector - in which they become aware of the psychosoma being out of the state of coincidence, during the full physical waking state, hence not feeling completely integrated in the body and generating an intensification of paraperceptions and energetic and parapsychic phenomena.
Warmongering consciousnessConsciência belicista See consbel.
Weaktrait (weak + trait)Trafar (tra + far) Weak point or trait of a conscin’s personality; a negative component of the structure of one’s consciential universe that the individual has not yet been able to overcome. Will Vontade From Latin, voluntas, will. The capacity or ability of the consciousness to direct their self-thosenization and mobilize the energies available in the cosmos, promoting and modifying knowledge, behaviors, realities, and pararealities.
XenophreniaXenofrenia From Greek, xenos, strange; phrem, mind. State of a human consciousness outside of the waking state’s normal pattern, induced by physical, physiological, psychological, pharmacological, or psychic agents. Variant: altered state of consciousness.
Xenothosene (xeno + tho + sen + e)Xenopensene (xeno + pen + sen + e) The intrusive thosene of an intruder in the occurrences of thosenic intrusion; mental wedge; the unit of measurement of interconsciential intrusion, according to thosenology and conscientiometrology.
Zoothosene (zoo + tho + sen + e)Zoopensene (zoo + pen + sen + e) The thosene of an unaware sub-human animal; the unit of measurement of the consciential principle of a subhuman animal, according to thosenology and conscientiometrology.

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